Smoking And Secondary Smoking

It is known that any smoke formed as a result of incomplete combustion, or slow decay, contains very dangerous to human health. Carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, tar, nicotine and many others. And inhaling these substances in the lungs “Patient” generally should not cause doubts, clearly the harm of smoking hookah quite noticeable. But while people are young, the harm of smoking hookah, no matter how their concerns. With age, the harm from smoking shisha will become more noticeable. But will be too late. Tobacco smoke in any form causes irreversible changes in the body, especially at the genetic level, and its effect on the body and health are not fully understood. Therefore, the harm from smoking a hookah may manifest itself in several generations of smokers.

Harm from smoking a hookah may affect the health of the smoker’s children and grandchildren. And even the health of grandchildren! This should make smokers think. And in some parts of India, despite obvious harm from smoking a hookah, hookah adults give kids to try. It is simply irresponsible. Adults therefore harm from smoking hookah for their children, smoking a hookah at home, in the apartment. But to give their children the poison, it is should shock the World Health Organization. And to get smokers to believe that the harm from smoking shisha – it’s not fiction, but very seriously. Hookah is not a safe alternative to smoking hookah smokers in during a typical hour session can inhale as much smoke as there are more than 100-200 cigarettes, warns the Ministry of Social Affairs.

In a statement, said that hookah smoke, even after the passage of through a water filter that contains a large amount of carbon monoxide, heavy metals and chemicals that cause cancer. Water filter retains some nicotine, but does not guarantee the safety of smoking and does not prevent the emergence of dependence. Any tobacco contains a poison that causes dependency – nicotine, which is one of the regulators of tobacco consumption. Smoker smokes cigarettes as long as the body does not satisfy the usual dose of nicotine. To saturate the nicotine hunger for smoking hookah takes 20-80 minutes. If the smoker of cigarettes for 5-7 minutes makes about 8-12 puffs and inhales 0 5 – 0, 6 liters of smoke, while smoking a hookah is 50-200

Men Versus Women

When a woman gets angry the following happens. It takes a while, but she finally calms down, goes to the salon, nail places, changing her hair … goes shopping … and again becomes an attractive and playful. There is only one circumstance a situation where a woman falls into a stupor – inadequate, when applied to her violence. To her, or her children, for women the same. In this situation, a woman behaves very poorly for a long time and can not collect my thoughts, making at this time irreparable folly. There are cases where an attack on the bandits a couple, the woman instead to step aside and not interfere with a man to decide their fate hangs on his shoulders, which leads to his imminent death. Also, when danger threatens her children, she is ready to betray and sell all, not even trying to think that all of its actions will not affect their destiny.

Men, for example, is extremely difficult to experience their explicit or latent defects, many think of their manhood. Women, do not tend to think of themselves bad, and are absolutely sure that everything that they gave and the nature is perfect, that does not require additional improvement. Remember purely feminine expression best is the enemy of the good? They have never engaged in training genetalnyh muscles and do not even know most of what it is and what it’s all you need. Them, and so love, live with them … and it was enough. They believe 100% that any man can become their prey. How, in general, they are right …

The man never anything there is no 100% certainty, it is always in their doubts, fears and quests, the improvement has been made and further progress with its pereusovershenstvovaniem … Remember these lines? The whole life of peace and fight to the death … Rest we can only dream. Hence the constant anxiety and uncertainty – potency problems, conflicts at work … dipressii – binges … love, unexpected joy – family problems … and so all my life. Men always feel sorry for all: Police shot by bandits … bandits – shot by police officers sick children, a neighbor – an alcoholic friend – impotent … secretary of his boss, who with her as he considers ugly goes … All. Of this men and all the problems … and change anything – they can not.

Alcoholic Genes

Alcohol damages the genetic apparatus of the cell, so the children of parents who drink at risk of developing alcoholism than children of healthy parents. So, it is likely that alcoholism can be in this family disease that is transmitted from one generation to another. Who does not want to have a healthy baby? But for some reason, this desire often goes against the way of life for future moms and dads, an indispensable attribute of the rest of which is alcohol. In addition to all the negative effects that alcohol has on the human body, it has a direct damaging effect on the genetic apparatus of cells at the molecular, gene and chromosomal levels, affects the structure and function of chromosomes. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies that found an increased risk of alcoholism among children born to drinking mother or father. If we average the figures, obtained by different authors, then 25% of children from their parents, alcoholics, develops a serious illness. Counter this predisposition can only be accepting a lifetime decision to stay sober.

Completely give up alcohol can not all people, especially when you consider the fact that a child of the alcoholic family, growing up in an atmosphere of drunkenness and sees this lifestyle as normal. Lacking knowledge about the possible predisposition to alcoholism, as well as not having the strength to resist the alcohol environment, most of the children after their parents give up their life alcohol, thus continuing the vicious circle of family alcoholism, which now expects the new and the new generation. Break this vicious circle can be treated for alcoholism. It is important to take care of their genetic background, do not allow alcoholic poison mutilate their genetics, dooming not only their children but also their offspring to suffer from alcohol dependence.

Chronic Alcoholism

Alcoholism – a disease that develops as a result of the systematic use of alcohol. It is characterized by an irresistible attraction to alcohol, a change of mentality and internal organs. The most important manifestations of chronic alcoholism are modified tolerance to alcohol, pathological attraction to intoxication, the occurrence after cessation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (Hangover). The development of alcoholism development proceeds under the influence of alcohol many external and internal factors. The main internal factors include genetic predisposition: it is known that the immediate relatives of alcoholics alcoholism risk is 7-10 times higher. In addition, recent studies in genetics have the genes, which predisposes damage to human disease Alcohol / The internal factors of chronic alcoholism is also a specific individual stock, which is characterized by mild suggestibility, the difficulty of social adaptation, sharp fluctuations in mood, etc. The factors of the environment, contributing to the development of chronic alcoholism include family and its traditions, social environment, level of culture.

Chronic alcoholism is due on the one hand – Narcotic effects of alcohol on the structure and processes of the central nervous system, on the other – the toxic influence of alcohol and its breakdown products on the organs and tissues. In the development of alcoholism there are three stages. The first stage of alcoholism raises formidable desire to use alcohol, while decreasing control over drunk. At this stage of alcoholism, vomiting as a protective reaction organism is absent. Increases the frequency of consumption of alcohol, lost a critical attitude toward drinking, apparent cases of retrograde amnesia: the patient does not remember the events of the last day, when he was in a state intoxication. The second stage of alcoholism alcohol craving becomes stronger and at the same time increases the tolerance (endurance) to alcohol.

Even small doses of alcohol can cause long-term binge. The main sign of the second stage of alcoholism – the development of withdrawal symptoms: chronic alcohol intoxication after a growing acceptance of a certain amount of alcohol. Abstinence syndrome is expressed in the trembling hands and fingers, eyelids, tongue, heartbeat, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, vomiting while trying to drink or eat anything. In some cases, may develop alcoholic psychosis. The third stage of alcoholism at this stage of tolerance to alcohol decreases, while its consumption is almost daily. There is a significant degradation of the individual, grow and become irreversible violations of the internal organs (alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic encephalopathy, etc.).

Longevity Life

Let's start with the first step – your decision to live a long time (or forever). You took a firm solution, despite the collective consciousness, despite the opinions of your friends and others. You have chosen to live long, happy and still be healthy and wealthy person. Kicked out of my head the images of frail elderly people and of their lexicon removed the word "aging". What do you do then? That's right. Look for ways to do this.

How to renew myself zhizn.Ne will consider rejuvenating external procedures – this is not the prolongation of life. It is simply pointing gloss on his appearance. Inside you're still those who est.Fizicheskie load and different forms of power (solntseedenie, raw food, etc.) simply supports the body. Prolong life by 10-15 let.Nanotehnologii is closer are to progress. But while the Higher Powers do not want to give everyone the opportunity (you can guess why). Scientists share information bit by bit.

So the science is advancing, but very, very close medlenno.Pochti to the issue of prolongation of life came genetics. Changing a person's DNA – it is precisely the way in which you want to go. There was talk about extending life up to 120-150 years. And when scientists do it – is unknown. But if you want more, then we must change. Change yourself. Their thoughts, their actions put in order. I repeat: Longevity and immortality – it is reality. Only a person need to understand why he needs it? Why is it allowed? And why is he? It is unlikely that the traditional "plant a tree, build a house and raise a son" – this is the meaning and purpose of your long life.

Solve More Essential Existencial Problems

I will look for to give to relief in the present article the three great desires that had always been gifts in the human spirit since its miraculosa creation (from preexisting material and for pneuma the holy ghost), until our days, and to relate them with modern science. These desires secundum quid are legitimate, however, the great problem inhabit in its displacement of target and its other people’s independence the good and perfect will of God, manifest in the revelation Jewish-Christian. These legitimately human desires, that with passing of the years had changedded into subject and object of study of positive sciences, can be related with two tickets of the veterotestamentrias Holy Writs, namely, the fall of the first couple (Genesis 3), and the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). Of the boarded subjects, the first one belongs to biological sciences, more specifically to the genetics, as it is referred the practical philosophy (politics), and the last one is on to astronomy. The first subject is the aspiration of sciences biological for immortality the human being; today it is said in reaching immortality of the life when the human genome is studied. Some geneticistas affirm that the humanity in the future, after to mapear the human genome and to discover the gene that cause the death, power to revert its process and to reach immortality. Not obstante the kinship with the dogma of immortality of the soul in the context of the religion, immortality refers now the materiality, not if it speaks of immortal soul in the after-life as we know, but immortality in the natural scope. The desire for immortality of the life in the natural scope, always was a human dream, since the myth of the source of youth until the Drcula de Bran Stocker, and in our days the myth persists with maquiagem of positive science. In the book of the Genesis the moment is told where the first couple is attemped to eat of the fruit of the tree of the good and the evil, the serpent, that is Lucifer, when offering the forbidden fruit, affirms that the human beings will not go to die when transgressing the law of God, is the beginning of the myth of the immortality independent one of God, which is giver of the life.


On the one hand medical facilities where no safety control is prescribed, are tested according to DIN VDE 0751-1 or DIN VDE 62353. Examples of this category are microscopes and other laboratory equipment, suction devices and exam lights. On the other hand, the entire range of equipment in a practice must be checked. These include vacuum cleaners, coffee machines, microwaves but also extension cables and power strips. This test is the VDE 0701/0702 to reason.

Detailed information for testing according to DIN VDE 0701/0702 get inspection The tests to ensure the safety of patients, staff or third parties according to BGV A3. The periodic check of electrical medical devices or products are not prescribed by DIN VDE 0751-1. Should exist no determination by the manufacturer, the responsibility during the practice owner or the operator of medical technology. The guideline is about a year between two retries.

Influencing factors must however be given prominence as the type of device, the usage purpose and the frequency, the operating conditions, the frequency of lack of and maintaining the devices. For the setting of inspection periods of electrical equipment a breakdown carried out by the VDE 0701/0702 for the time being mobile and -resources. Mobile equipment is portable devices such as vacuum cleaner, coffee machines and kettles, which must be tested in an interval of one year. For devices in offices such as printers and phones, a control sufficient of all two years. Fixed electrical equipment are installed in a site, in the longer term such as, for example, washing machines. Here the test period is four years. Only specially trained persons, such as electricians, approved and calibrated measuring instruments may test a VDE it. The auditor or the auditor must have at any time their qualifications. The examination of electrical medical devices and resources will focus on an early detection of defects, which in the worst case can lead to hazards, damage and accidents. The VDE test includes various types of inspection and electrical measurements:-Visual inspection – investigation of the electrical appliance on externally visible defects and damage such as faulty cables, plugs or switches, Wear, missing covers, faulty repairs, safety-reducing pollution, presence of security-relevant inscriptions and proper labelling of electrical measurements – collection of various electrical measurements, depending on the type of appliance, protection class and measuring method measuring the protective conductor resistance measuring the insulation resistance measurement of the substitute leakage current measuring the contact current measurement of the patient the leading current measurement of the differential current function test must only after successful inspection and performed to correct results; Device will be activated according to its purpose and function upper fourth documentation contains information to the investigator (name, business name, signature), measurement methods, measurements, date of inspection, etc., defects or damage is observed in a VDE testing, the inspector must issue a recommendation for repair and the medical device with a corresponding test badge, for example with “the inscription defect”, attach. After completed inspection with no deficiencies have been identified, is the identification of the medical device with the corresponding certification label. The badge has tested the printing of medical technology according to BGV A3 “and also indicates the next test date with month and year. A compliance with all medical product Act, demands and BGV A3 tests ensure not only legal certainty across the street from authorities and the insurance protection from damage or accidents. Enables the functionality, accurate diagnosis and quality for patients at a safe level.


The Greeks already indicated the existence of a fundamental particle, acting being constituents of matter, predicting the existence of a few atoms of small size, and listing a small amount of different types of them. Until the end of the 19th century were not discovered more data on those items. J. j. Thomson, along with other scientists, discovered in 1897 that atoms were indivisible as he was believed, but that could be separated into small components.

He discovered the composition of atoms and the existence of particles that orbiting in the outer zone calls electrons, whose mass was much smaller than the nucleus. The core for its part, had positive charge and its weight was almost the totality of the atom. While he was not able to determine the composition of the nucleus, were sitting the basis for further investigations, the first of which focused on the structure of the atom. The atom consists of a nucleus of great size that orbit the electrons. It was e. Rutherford who developed a model based on a solar system in miniature, in which the nucleus was a star (the Sun) and the electrons in 1911 the planets. The explanation of his theory had two errors: 1 – that the electrons would issued power spin, decreasing its speed would then fall to the nucleus; erroneous because the electrons occupy fixed orbits. The second error was that electrons could jump from one orbit to any other around the nucleus.

Health Secretariat

According to responsible for the sector of epidemiologia of the health secretariat, the illnesses as leptospirose, hepatitis, the diarria one, dermatosis, verminoses, have its roots in it accumulate of garbage in the sewers and rivers, therefore waters hinder the ticket them thus occurring to floodings and with them the illnesses above cited. It is to have of the governing, to promote the health for the community, so that the population has a glad and healthful life, but the action of the community is also of great importance in this promotion, therefore they are interlaceds thing, ' ' action of the community and commitment of the governments, in the search of a more healthful life for all and each one ' '. Ambient education and Health – 2 Lesson Prof. Dr. Pablo Enrique Battaglin Axe. Aiming at to the improvement of the conditions of health of the families, the Secretariat of Health of the city of Altamira comes promoting debates and quarrels in schools and quarters, around the subject, in the direction to acquire knowledge the society how much to the ambient education, despertando the conscience it criticizes how much to the prevention of the illnesses caused for the risk factors. This study it discloses to the diverse causal factors of the illnesses and the determinative ones for the improvement of the conditions of life of the altamirense society.

AMBIENT HEALTH For the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), basic sanitation can be understood as the control of factors of the environment of mental and social the human being, that intervene or can intervene with the welfare physicist, (PHILIPPI JR; MALHEIROS, 2005). The sanitation has for objective to minimize the damages to the environment that intervene with the health of the population, and has for purpose to protect and to improve the conditions of life of the population (OAK; OLIVEIRA, 1997). The good quality of the consumed water, represents an important factor in the relations of the sanitary monitoring epidemiologist, therefore, it hinders the sprouting them illnesses.

Happier New Year?

A happier New Year? If the old man is not repeated A new year this before us and Christmas is already something distant. The postal with desires of prosperous year have forgotten, because a brief balance of the past year produces an opposite effect rather. Many describe to mass media like alarmist, but what it is lived is dramatic and not only in Haiti. Only in Africa 2.2 million AIDS people die annually; 1,4 of pulmonary infections; 2,4 of malaria; 700 thousands of intestinal affections; 600 thousand by diseases that could be avoided with vaccines, to which those are united that passes away by wars, undernourishment or to live in subhuman conditions. In addition every 5 seconds a hunger boy dies. That in 2009 12,000 people as a result of natural catastrophes died only (the lowest number of last the 20 years, in comparison to the 240 thousand victims of 2008) is not reason to tranquilize itself, since the increasing defrosting of Greenland it accelerates, foretelling an ascent of about 7 meters of the level of the sea. Then for who will be a Happy Year? Many are wondered why God is silent and they do not include/understand how the churches do not give convincing answers.

To only say it does not bring solutions to them, nor either the theological ceremonies and speeches. Many are wondered why the church does not recognize that with to have arranged that the prophetic voice finished with the coming of Jesus Christ, it at the same time cut the direct dialogue that God had with its children through its prophets. That the hierarchy connected with the church in the last 2000 years broke away from in this way definitively that enemy with the divine world, they demonstrate the facts to it of history, as it has documented the German historian to it Karlheinz Deschner. And nevertheless all that one that feels that it is impossible that the Creator has left his children and wishes to discover of independent form the jaw imposed by the tradition connected with the church, can discover that God speaks and helps in this time, although not within the ecclesiastical institution. In the supply given by the prophecy of the present time, which prevails is the freedom of decision and the free will of each, under the motto: whoever to think whoever it creates that it and to leave the one leaves it. For that one dares more to it with the heart than with the intellect, yes it could be the beginning of a really happy New Year.