Men Versus Women

When a woman gets angry the following happens. It takes a while, but she finally calms down, goes to the salon, nail places, changing her hair … goes shopping … and again becomes an attractive and playful. There is only one circumstance a situation where a woman falls into a stupor – inadequate, when applied to her violence. To her, or her children, for women the same. In this situation, a woman behaves very poorly for a long time and can not collect my thoughts, making at this time irreparable folly. There are cases where an attack on the bandits a couple, the woman instead to step aside and not interfere with a man to decide their fate hangs on his shoulders, which leads to his imminent death. Also, when danger threatens her children, she is ready to betray and sell all, not even trying to think that all of its actions will not affect their destiny.

Men, for example, is extremely difficult to experience their explicit or latent defects, many think of their manhood. Women, do not tend to think of themselves bad, and are absolutely sure that everything that they gave and the nature is perfect, that does not require additional improvement. Remember purely feminine expression best is the enemy of the good? They have never engaged in training genetalnyh muscles and do not even know most of what it is and what it’s all you need. Them, and so love, live with them … and it was enough. They believe 100% that any man can become their prey. How, in general, they are right …

The man never anything there is no 100% certainty, it is always in their doubts, fears and quests, the improvement has been made and further progress with its pereusovershenstvovaniem … Remember these lines? The whole life of peace and fight to the death … Rest we can only dream. Hence the constant anxiety and uncertainty – potency problems, conflicts at work … dipressii – binges … love, unexpected joy – family problems … and so all my life. Men always feel sorry for all: Police shot by bandits … bandits – shot by police officers sick children, a neighbor – an alcoholic friend – impotent … secretary of his boss, who with her as he considers ugly goes … All. Of this men and all the problems … and change anything – they can not.