People Want

And people want me stressed out 15.1 TEM FINAL PRESENTATION OF BUSINESS PLAN Form and Duration 7 minutes maximum for presentation. The “setup” that need to configure your computer (files, flash drive, graphics, etc..) Should do 15 minutes before the session started. Otherwise the time will be included within 7 minutes allowed. 5 additional minutes for questions and answers (Q A) Must be present all the members. No formal taken, but obviously it is recommended to take care of personal presentation. They must express themselves and use correct vocabulary. Presentation supported by slides (powerpoint). Caring for the spelling errors. The presentation of a Gantt chart is REQUIRED to programming, including how they will work during the summer (with procedures). Support with hard facts and real figures. Are no use: we will win … come around sick people, etc … (project with real numbers as possible). Remember that as a team are a company, producer or foundation, therefore, must be named as such. Content Power Point: Presentation of each and their respective positions within “their businesses.” Ex

Social Commitment Of Teachers

Usually the traditional priority of teacher in the Peru unions have been the wage claims with the topics frequently disputed between teachers unions and State relate almost exclusively to wage and working conditions budget for education, educational bylaws collective _convenios in the sector and other rules governing work in educational institutionstraining and professional development. The best way of doing good to the poor I believe that is not care for them in their poverty but put them in conditions that leave – Franklin I am convinced that is a challenge encourage greater dialogue between the teachers themselves and with trade unions to promote cultural change by a perspective more holistic, involving both the training of teachersdevelopment and reflection of effective proposals for education renewed, until obtaining the commitment by the objectives and results of education. On the other hand, the Ministry of education, must have a clear vision with regard to the national guidelines which are not only treated in Cabinet but who have the responsibility of designing comprehensive policies agreed with the direct responsible for the execution, which are professionals of education and should be closely linked with teachers and their unions, ensuring greater social responsibility shared by education. At the same time, the processes of negotiation with the teachers have to be deeply linked with the commitment of the latter to accomplish the objectives and results paths to national, regional and local; i.e. all the cognitive, cultural and social background are rooted that call is a meaningful learning for students who need it and are demanding calida educational. But bear in mind that what is mentioned above is not only in the hands of teachers, but it is closely related to the educational conditions that must exist in any educational process which are indispensable and not forgetting that in the said process are involved educational agents, who met an important role thus giving evidence that are not only teacher – pupil but which encompasses the entire society. That is why the Government has to focus on it in a comprehensive manner. The social commitment of teachers happens, firstly, by transforming processes within classrooms and also outside them which allow the student, develop in the near future and thus its generation. Finally I want to end with the phrase of Augusto Salazar Bondy: all question of the educational relationship outside of historical conditions – social concrete is abstract and therefore idealising, which means disorienting and the more often abettor of realities. Lic. Armelo Lopez Pena original author and source of the article

Infrared Heaters

Thus, infrared heaters – heaters is that transfer heat to the surrounding objects by means of infrared rays. The surface of objects absorb radiation, heat and then transfer heat to the air. This principle of operation allows significant savings in energy consumption compared with other types of heating systems, where most of the heat goes to heating Ceiling space. Also worth noting, infrared otolenie – this is the only class of heating, which allows you to warm up a point, ie Not fully premises, but only those areas that are required. Moreover, the heat from infrared heaters is felt almost immediately after turning on and little or no loss up to the heated surfaces, which also affects the cost of energy consumption. Infrared carbon heaters have a very broad scope of use – residential, commercial area, shops, gyms and other places of mass attendance, production facilities and warehouses, showrooms, and many others. Along the length of the radiated waves infrarkanye heaters are divided into short-, long wave and medium-wave. It follows from the categories, their main difference is the wavelength, which in turn depends on the temperature of the heated body – the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength, and higher intensity.

Long-wave is also called the dark, for the richine that they do not emit light, even when their operating temperature of 300-400 C. Medium-wave work at a maximum temperature of 800 C and emit a soft light, therefore they are called light or white. Infrared heaters are also classified by type of energy consumed by electric, gas and diesel. The researchers note that gas and diesel heaters they are more economical efficiency is 85-92. But they reduce the level of oxygen in the air and reduce humidity in the air. For these reasons, gas and diesel infrared heaters are not recommended use in a residential area. According to the type of heating element infrared heaters are classified by halogen, carbon, and ceramic tenovye infrared heaters. The main heating element halogen infrared heaters is a halogen lamp that emits light in the main stream in the infrared spectrum.

The only disadvantage of halogen heaters is that due to a fall or violent impact vacuum tube can be broken. The infrared heater carboxylic main heating element consists of a carbon-carbon fiber, which is placed in a glass tube. The most important advantage of infrared carbon instruments is lower power consumption compared to other infrared devices heating at about 2-2.5. Among the disadvantages – they can not dry things when reaching 98 C inside the instrument this will protect from overheating. If you fall or bounce probable risk of breaking the quartz tube. In the manufacture of the heating element in the ceramic infrared heater used ceramic tiles, collected in a single reflector. This class of heating systems is based on flameless combustion of the gas-air mixture inside the tile, which it is heated to 850-900? C. After that, heat is transferred surrounding objects, surfaces and people. And infrared heating devices are divided on the place of assembly. On this factor, isolated heaters ceiling, wall, portable floor. Summing up the above, leading advantages of this class of systems of heating are: they do not alter the percentage of moisture in the air and the saturation of oxygen, economical in terms of energy consumption does not cause air circulation in the room and avoiding the draft. In addition, they are easy to install, fast warm up the room, plus everything are the only heaters allows for efficient heating point.


When a man raises trees under which knows very well he will never sit down, has begun to discover the meaning of life. Elton Trueblood all in some way carry out our social role, where our behaviour or social behavior manifests itself, whereas in addition to our values, ethics, morality, culture, interests, goals, which give working results step many times, success, but also of frustrations. The truth, that this always has interested scholars conduct which represents social behavior. Borne in mind that social behavior is a process of covering many aspects and communication that has been source of research for those interested in these topics in order to explain its causes and understand their effects. Wikipedia gives us in this regard, that in biology, psychology and sociology is behavior or behavior directed towards society or that takes place between members of the same species (intraspecific relationships).

Behaviors or behaviors that are established as relations interspecific (such as predation, parasitism or symbiosis) involving members of different species and are therefore not considered social. While many social behaviors between are part of an (animal communication) communication because they provoke a response or change in behavior of the receiver, without acting directly upon him; communication between members of different species is not social behavior. The most original form of human social behavior is human language. In sociology, behavior (behavior) means the animal-like activity devoid of social meaning or social context; In contrast to social behavior (social behavior), which has both. In a sociological hierarchy, social behavior is followed by social action, which is aimed at other people and is designed to induce a response. Above this ascending scale are social interaction and social relation. Have no doubt, There has been much interest in entering all that social behavior holds not only for Sociology, but by Psychology, psychiatry, in order to unravel everything that this involves, which is capable of generating in the positive and the negative and especially of explaining the reason for their effects.

Why “The Secret” Does Not Work At All. (Mystery Of Mysteries )

When does life begin, each separate, man? Where it occurs and how it goes? That fills our lives, what does it consist? Where the time is ours, the beginning of life? Maybe it lies in the relationships of parents? In their dreams, the plans of the birth of her child, to continue the sort of … Here, incidentally, an interesting topic to ponder: What motivated parents at the start to the creation of a child? Love each other, need, desire to "fix" themselves to their partner, fear of loneliness, prestige, tradition, love of children, or event? .. What? Either way, they – the parents, it had created. There is a certain period in the development of fetal growth that occurs in the womb. Closed, isolated space, though not completely.

Signals penetrate from the outside there. Initially, there are all conditions for comfortable development, growth, baby. In other words, is the environment, and has everything necessary for life and development growth. After a while, and the fruit is completely filled, and even overflowed this niche. Here we can recall the evolutionary theory of Darwin. Following its concept, form, fills and fills, play its ecological niche, and either dies or goes to another, while transforming.

In the womb, the embryo initially settled, which eventually became a fetus, and then the child (if Of course, it is appropriate to such a division.) Fetus, the fetus in the womb well, comfortable, has everything necessary for life. But the child no longer. Cramped little space, little food, needs are growing and their satisfaction decreases.


It follows that before analyzing the spatial components that make catalysts or inhibitors of human development you need to understand in body and soul the unit spacetime and mind-body. The human interprets the world in his image and likeness none of what we experience is alien to our Constitution. We share their same components with the universe. All external event is experience internally with natural chemical processes of human physiology. Chemical reactions are our own that we can perform. We all share the same processes, the same reactions. Everything the man does is internally built somehow.

Our actions are actions that are reproduced internally. Look at the human body and will find in it the work of man. Body is the foot and shoe, with the time one reality is shaped to each other but without changing its essence, without producing significant changes. It follows that there is an upper limit of interpretation possibilities marked by biology. Any interpretation of the external is nothing more than a coupling between different elements that exist within our body. The nervous system is strongly protected like our reproductive system, not easily are you can circumvent. The nervous system is a closed circuit that plays only its own essence: that of human beings.

A cat is a cat and its essence of cat and the world passes through his body of Jack your essence of cat. All our knowledge are inside in potential State awaiting her awakening, what we do, we interpret what we have internally. If we look at the cities we will see a simile of the human organism, the same if you look at any product made by man. Highways are the veins, our communications are a reflection of the chemical reactions in our cells. All our physiological functions appear represented in one way or another in our works. It is not remarkable that we have no real knowledge of our habitat that is our own body? Anyone note that dysfunction, the veil of ego deprive us of being. Nothing new gives us the thought that is not in advance at our disposal. But, does that there is what is left? Because as I have said, are functions of livelihood but not of essence… Illusion won from us, we are unable to have a space open amongst ourselves. If you would like we can get out of this hell? The first step is to begin to dismantle this whole set of beliefs that hide our true nature. We have become a cell that destroys his own body and his own world. We are not identified as belonging to mother earth, as an integral part of it. The thought that won our be has created a fiction, an illusion, hide us the reality of what is.

Photochemist Companies

The liquid residues of this group must follow specific orientaes of the ambient agencies locais’ ‘. The photochemist residues possess high indices of chemical misalignments, in function of this become necessary its treatment with the purpose to become them less pollutant, thus reducing the ambient impacts through measures that obey the parameters and environmental laws the governmental bodies fiscalizadores possess an important mission in what it refers to the fiscalization of the fulfilment of the laws on the part of the companies, the performance of the same ones, are decisive so that the establishments fulfill its obligations and responsibilities stop with the environment. An important measure it is the delivery of these residues the companies specialized in its collect and treatment, therefore it would represent an enormous advance against the pollution and improper launching in the environment. CONCLUSION the combat to the pollution and the preservation of the natural resources is resultant of a series of attitudes and actions that must be taken by diverse sectors of the society and the governmental bodies. One shows of extreme importance the reaproveitamento and the treatment of the photochemist residues with intention to become them less harmful, reducing considerably the ambient impacts and contributing for promotion of the quality of life. The companies who use this technology of image production need to adopt a position that demonstrates ambient and social responsibility, therefore this are vital so that if reduces the caused ambient damages, and one of these actions is the act of contract of specialized companies to manipulate the photochemist residues. The governmental bodies must assume its responsibilities with relation to its fiscalizador character, making with that the institutions respect and fulfill the environmental laws. Therefore, the referring problems to the photochemist residues can be decided, and so that this if materialize is necessary a bigger integration enters the involved pursuings in this process as companies, public agencies and society, always objectifying with priority the conservation of our biosfera.

Customer Advertising

Advertise before purchasing for yourself ads will be useful to get some knowledge about advertising and advertising effectiveness. It is desirable to understand the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and new media advertising, to get acquainted with the theory of marketing communications. This will allow more intelligently communicate with advertisers, get better advertising and enhanced ‘return’ on their money. This will help presented below book. A. Rep’ev.

Wise advertiser. The book is devoted to the laws that live advertising and advertising business in the modern world. On examples of advertising campaigns, commercials and other promotional materials the largest manufacturers of the author considers the problem of creativity, originality, advertising, and finally its effectiveness. The publication is addressed to both the advertising and its customers. The author – Alexander Rep’ev – one of the most experienced Advertisers in our country. Like any true artist, he not only shares with the reader tips, skills and instructive history, but also conveys his own attitude to their work, as the most interesting to do in the world – both creatively, time consuming and very human. Reading a book like this rite of initiation – initiation into the mysteries of the profession and its special spirit.

Ogilvy on Advertising. All efforts Advertising can be reduced to the effects on the mind of the consumer. Attract attention, to impress, to put the memory – that’s the goal of any advertising appeal. To achieve this, we can act on a hunch, but you can apply to the research and experience. That’s about it narrates in his book, David Ogilvy – one of the patriarchs of the advertising industry, founder of advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather, with an annual turnover in excess of $ 10 billion, the classic theory of advertising, a recognized ‘best copywriter of the world’, a person included in the French Magazine list of the giants who have made the most significant contribution to the world’s industrial revolution, along with Adam Smith, Thomas Edison, Karl Marx, J. D. Rockefeller Sr. and others. Presented in the book ‘theoretical’ tenets of advertising effectiveness, combined with the experience of their practical application make the book and science-based, and useful in terms of practice. K. Hopkins. Scientific Advertising. An acknowledged master, the genius of sales, Hopkins spent many years in the maelstrom of advertising. He has hundreds of dizzyingly successful advertising campaigns. He was a consummate copywriter. He ran Many brands, prosperous today. He personally invented and developed numerous methods of selling advertising. In the book ‘Scientific Advertising’ he systematized and summarized its phenomenal experience. The author explains in detail and popular, how to make the ads really effective, consistently describes all stages: from the collection of baseline data through the media planning to develop the advertising message. According to the author, most important – is artfully combine the creativity of employees of advertising agencies, in-depth study of the needs and demands of end users and technical requirements “of the customer.


If honesty could be measured in objective terms as if it were a safe sport that you could bet at bwin a 1.07 to 1 that Michael Robinson is one of the most honest football players who participated in the Spanish League. An honest man Michael Robinson was an English player, a rocky front that much suited to the game for Osasuna, team which already signed at the end of his career, when he had won a European Cup among other titles in various English teams. Taking contract in force it was unlucky on a lance and injured his knee. The damage was so serious that given the age of the player it was impossible to return to playing football. His career as a professional athlete could be terminated. And Robin, as it is known already now more than one decade later, decided to terminate its contract with Osasuna. The team of Pamplona is a modest club that the tab that paid him was a small fortune.

Despite the injury, Michael was entitled to charge until end of season, but he thought that you knowing that It would not play that would not be ethical. This earned him the esteem of fans and officials, and showed that the world not everyone money moves them, and that we can find examples of life in any field. Leverages your knowledge Robin went on to win money with football, as a television presenter, as commentator and in other areas. He became famous even outside the football circle. Now has a blog associated with bwin on which we can read their opinions on sport King, normally very successful. And probably thanks to these successes also earn its money betting on football in the own bwin.


On the Internet, just like in real life so many ways and methods of making money. With each day connected to the Internet, more and more users. A large part of users see the Internet not just a place for entertainment, music downloads, wallpaper on your desktop – but also a means of earning extra money. Members who own this or that knowledge, you can find yourself with extra cash is more likely. And what make novice users who have not yet possess all the knowledge or are not experts in a particular segment? These users, call them newcomers, are looking to start a simple job for which need not expertise. It is necessary only for a time and an Internet connection.

This is what the scammers are. The main purpose of speculators – the new Internet users who have not yet quite familiar and easy to swallow the bait of monthly wages in scrip $ 300-500 or more. Wandering through the internet, I wanted a little more detail to find out about the work of speculators. I decided to choose a very simple and easy operation that can be done with ease virtually each. This is a set text.

Offers to earn decent money on a set of text – it is an essential attribute of any site that offers a remote job. What is the essence of this work. You send a handwritten or scanned text, and you need to print it and send the requested e-mail address.