Photochemist Companies

The liquid residues of this group must follow specific orientaes of the ambient agencies locais’ ‘. The photochemist residues possess high indices of chemical misalignments, in function of this become necessary its treatment with the purpose to become them less pollutant, thus reducing the ambient impacts through measures that obey the parameters and environmental laws the governmental bodies fiscalizadores possess an important mission in what it refers to the fiscalization of the fulfilment of the laws on the part of the companies, the performance of the same ones, are decisive so that the establishments fulfill its obligations and responsibilities stop with the environment. An important measure it is the delivery of these residues the companies specialized in its collect and treatment, therefore it would represent an enormous advance against the pollution and improper launching in the environment. CONCLUSION the combat to the pollution and the preservation of the natural resources is resultant of a series of attitudes and actions that must be taken by diverse sectors of the society and the governmental bodies. One shows of extreme importance the reaproveitamento and the treatment of the photochemist residues with intention to become them less harmful, reducing considerably the ambient impacts and contributing for promotion of the quality of life. The companies who use this technology of image production need to adopt a position that demonstrates ambient and social responsibility, therefore this are vital so that if reduces the caused ambient damages, and one of these actions is the act of contract of specialized companies to manipulate the photochemist residues. The governmental bodies must assume its responsibilities with relation to its fiscalizador character, making with that the institutions respect and fulfill the environmental laws. Therefore, the referring problems to the photochemist residues can be decided, and so that this if materialize is necessary a bigger integration enters the involved pursuings in this process as companies, public agencies and society, always objectifying with priority the conservation of our biosfera.