Why “The Secret” Does Not Work At All. (Mystery Of Mysteries )

When does life begin, each separate, man? Where it occurs and how it goes? That fills our lives, what does it consist? Where the time is ours, the beginning of life? Maybe it lies in the relationships of parents? In their dreams, the plans of the birth of her child, to continue the sort of … Here, incidentally, an interesting topic to ponder: What motivated parents at the start to the creation of a child? Love each other, need, desire to "fix" themselves to their partner, fear of loneliness, prestige, tradition, love of children, or event? .. What? Either way, they – the parents, it had created. There is a certain period in the development of fetal growth that occurs in the womb. Closed, isolated space, though not completely.

Signals penetrate from the outside there. Initially, there are all conditions for comfortable development, growth, baby. In other words, is the environment, and has everything necessary for life and development growth. After a while, and the fruit is completely filled, and even overflowed this niche. Here we can recall the evolutionary theory of Darwin. Following its concept, form, fills and fills, play its ecological niche, and either dies or goes to another, while transforming.

In the womb, the embryo initially settled, which eventually became a fetus, and then the child (if Of course, it is appropriate to such a division.) Fetus, the fetus in the womb well, comfortable, has everything necessary for life. But the child no longer. Cramped little space, little food, needs are growing and their satisfaction decreases.

Genetic Predisposition To Alcoholism

The role of heredity in disease, alcoholism is very high. The presence of alcoholism among parents is the risk of disease in children at 7 times the risk of dependency in children of healthy parents, which will allow identify children in alkozavisimyh particular risk. It has long been observed that alcoholism usually develops in children whose parents abuse alcohol. According to the research of family alcoholism risk of dependency patients with alcoholism of parents (one or both) to 7 times higher than children of healthy parents. In certain forms of alcoholism, parental likelihood of disease in children up to 88%. Research performed by tracking the fate of children born to parents suffering from alcohol dependence. It turned out that even the education of children in the "healthy" families with a non-drinker adoptive parents and brothers and sisters, the risk of developing alcoholism is 3 times higher than that of nekrovnyh sisters and brothers.

Compared with the non-drinker foster children a large number of drinkers foster children have biological parents – alkozavisimyh. In addition, there is no connection between alcoholism and alcohol abuse adoptive parents of their children, suggesting less influence of the medium. Observations of the twins showed that if one of monozygotic brothers ill from alcoholism, the the other has a 3-fold higher risk of developing the disease than would happen with fraternal twins. Therefore, the influence of genetic factors is not in doubt. However, such observations for single-valued conclusions about the role of heredity is not enough, because with equal bases responsible for the occurrence of alcoholism may be given to environmental factors – education in an atmosphere of drunkenness. Genetics are not children alkozavisimyh as victims, freeing them from liability, and various environmental factors have great importance for the occurrence of alcoholism. Research geneticist, of course, important as the development of prevention treatment, and for specialists who treat alcoholism, to better understand the specifics of the disease.