Today will learn five diets for weight loss.Much has been said and talked about the thousands upon thousands ways to lose weight, especially in search of magic diets to lose weight, but it is important that before you undertake your search towards your ideal weight you well clear what essential concepts Yes or Yes you should know to get the best results. As a first measure to take into account is that while we are looking for one of the so many diets to lose weight we must make these a program adjusted to control our weight. Go to James A. Levine, M.D. for more information. This implies, accustomed to eating healthy, exercising and abstain from foods that do not help us with our goal. It is important to consider that the majority of diets serve only to lose weight, or better said, to lose a few kilos of water, not fat. How did you not know it? Clear, think for a moment the impossible that would be that you can get an ideal figure in a single week.
And it is curious that when we started dieting, the first thing we lose is water not fat. Let me give you an example: according to wikipedia, a football loses about 2 kilograms of weight per game played, but is quickly recovered in the rest time. Thus, bearing in mind these tips I want to try slimming diets that have more results for yourself. The Top 5 of the best diets to lose weight diet of soup: this soup is design in a United States Hospital in order that people who need to do a surgical intervention could approximately slimming about 4 kilos. This diet flourished after seeing the successful impact that had on patients. Dissociated diet: the Association diet has succeeded for years. It was prepared by a nutritionist, an expert in diet therapy for a well-known clinic.
With this diet to lose weight, it is possible to lose weight without excessive sacrifice since it allows to eat foods that are part of this meal plan in moderate amounts. The zone diet: this diet was developed by Professor Barry Sears, winner of the Nobel Prize of the year 1982. He was one of the biggest discoveries and remains one of the more favorite diets to lose weight. It perfectly combines the necessary and fair amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat (30-40-30). Volumetric diet: This diet is simple. Express it according to Dr. Barbara. J. Rolls just comes water. Yes, it focuses on eating foods that have water with a high content in proteins and vitamins to promote the feeling of satiety and combating hunger and deprivation.Foods such as soups and non-starchy vegetables are ideal in this diet. In other words, the people are taught to eat for healthy living and how to eat it. Mediterranean diet: Is one of the diets to lose weight most ancient Mediterranean world. In fact last year it was declared as intangible heritage for humanity by UNESCO. According to specialists, helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, lung disease, asthma, and also to maintain bone mass in people of advanced age. In fact, said that the people who are governed by this diet have between a 70% more than hope of life and 80% better their quality of life.