Vegetative Development Process

The conservation and the resetting in the tropics are some of the great questions that if have with regard to the tropical and subtropical forests of the world, had the increasing expansion of the agricultural, industrial activities and of settling. For resetting of areas, they are necessary knowledge on the genetic structure of the populations, the biological maintenance of the genetic potential of the species and mechanisms that provide the balance of the ecosystem. In reply to these questions, studies have been carried through on the reproductive strategy, genetic structure, forest succession and microorganisms of the ground (Coast, 1997). The available information on the germination process, even so voluminous, are insufficient and restricted to characterize it perfectly, therefore it represents the meeting of knowledge gotten for different species, many of which of high biological value, but, insignificant of the point of economic sight. For Moraes et al.

(1983) it must be made germination tests, with species of economic interest, to inform to the agriculturist on the average capacity of germination and, finally, to relate to the size of the plantation area and its costs. Studies of germination and techniques of culture are important to know the behavior of the species and its diffusion as ornamental or supplying plant of raw material (Aguiar, 1990). It is basic if to understand the germinativo process for conservation of the species, since they will give subsidies for the perpetuation, adaptation and development in the environment. The study of the process of propagation of the palms it is without a doubt a great step for the domesticao of many species that present economic potential as producing of oil, food and alternative source of energy. Of gmica form the seeds germination of or agmica for intermediary of rebentos or perfilhos can more be multiplied through and recently through the fabric culture (Pine, 1986).

Brazilian Residues

Produced in a sector where it has a great difference of techniques and methodologies of production, that whose the control of the quality of the productive process is recent, characteristic as composition and amount, depend directly on the period of training of development of the local industry of construction, as the quality of the hand of workmanship, constructive techniques used and adoption of quality programs, etc. In this way the average characterization of this residue is conditional the specific parameters of the generating region of the analyzed residue. 2.2. Ambient classification As ZORDAN can be said that, even so the residues (rubbish) present in its composition some materials that, separately, are recognized for NBR 10.004/87: Solid residues? Classification, as inert residues (rocks, bricks, glasses, some plastics, etc.), is not available until the moment, analyses on the solubility of the residue as a whole, of form to guarantee that it does not have superior concentrations to the specified ones in the related norm, it would fit what it as ' ' residue classroom II? not inerte' '. Valley still to remember, that the heterogeneidade of the rubbish and the direct dependence of its characteristics with the workmanship that gave origin to it can change it of classification band, that is, a workmanship can supply an inert rubbish and another one can present elements becomes that it even though not-inert or dangerous – as, for example, the presence of asbestos that, in air is highly cancergeno. 2.3. Recycling of the Residues the rubbish of the civil construction became a great problem in the administration of the great Brazilian cities, had the great amount generated (arriving in some cases, for 60% of the mass of the produced urban solid residues) and to the lack of space or solutions that absorb all this production. Normally the solutions used for this problem had always been the aterros and the lixes, that possess some ambient inconveniences that each time if become more expensive for the space scarcity.

PAD Agency-target

It does not exist the necessity of if using medications for fast control of the Par, being enough the symptomatic medication use to introduce antihypertensives of chronic use. It would be cautious to hold back the patient for some hours and to reintroduce the anti-hipertensiva medication, will have necessity, before directing it for ambulatorial attendance. Until recently, malignant hipertenso was employed to assign hipertenso in the presence of edema of papila to the deep one of eye, retinopatia degree IV in the classification of KeithWagener-Barker or simply KW-IV. Sped up Hipertenso meant a malignant less serious gradation of, with the deep one of eye with hemorrhages and exsudatos or KW-III. Currently both must be considered as synonymous, therefore the difference in the fundoscopia does not represent clinical forms and diverse prognostics. Definitions hipertensiva Crisis if relate to the generic term where fast and symptomatic rise of the Par occurs, invariably with levels of diastlica pressure (the 120 PAD) superior mmHg, with potential risk of deterioration of agency-target or immediate life or in potential.

If it will have remote risk of deterioration of agency-target or life in potential the denomination is of hipertensiva urgency. The reduction of the Par can be made of slower form in up to 24 hours and generally the employed medication can imply formularizations for saw verbal. Hipertensiva emergency is used to define that carrying patient of high pressricos levels, with imminent risk of life or deterioration of agency-target, where the measures used for combat to the high levels must be immediate, in minutes or few hours, needing the use of drugs of fast action and for the parenteral way. Epidemiologia the hipertenso incidence has diminished since 1940, when she was not considered an illness of bigger clinical consequences. &#039 was seen for many as one; ' element essencial' ' to force the blood through the esclerticas arteries until the privacy of diverse fabrics and agencies.


What it was of the lizard, ate it to the grasshopper, and what it was of the grasshopper, it ate locusta it, and what it was of locusta, it ate it to the pulgo. Joel 1:4 This Biblical ticket shows to the caused difficulties and symptoms which we need repenting in them of our sins. Which had been the effect felt for that people? – hunger assolao (ruin, prosperity lack) – cut lamentation the food entristecimento- complete dry destruction/without water (water is life, dries is death)- rivers also dry ashamed moaning nothing that put the hands, it avenged (it gave all wrong one)- they had withered, they discouraged of time the joy if it also dried the food lack distressed everything what they had finished fast destrua everything what still they had were confused were being, literally, consumidosAs economic sources and of life had dried and they did not relieve nothing of beneficial absolutely, effect of the attacks of the lizard, the grasshopper, locusta, the pulgo demonic and annihilating figures of the cutter, migrador, devorador and annihilator. now? What to make? How they had reverted this calamitous picture? Still thus, right now says you: You convert you it all me of your heart; this with jejuns, and I cry, and pranto. Joel 2:12 and you tear your heart, and not them your vestments, and convert you it you your Gods; because it is merciful, and compassionate, and delayed in irar itself, and great in benignancy, and if he repents of the evil. Joel 2:13 Becoming themselves it Gods, of the mouth for are not only, but tearing the heart and clamando It for answers. Chorem the priests, ministers Mr., between alpendre and the altar, and say: Your people saves, SIR, and you do not deliver your inheritance to the oprbrio, so that heathen the o dominates; because they would say between the peoples: Where he is its God? Joel 2:17 the shame is so great, felt shame of the nations and all the ones that were around still asked in high and good sound: where he is its God? LIZARD = first phase of the insects, larvGAFANHOTO = harmful insect to the farming, it goes migrando, of farming in lavourLOCUSTA = common grasshopper, that migra, is born in Africa and europPULGO = small insect, of soft body, without wing, that sucks the seiva of the plants.