Frankfurt Book Fair

Introduction a world novelty, or a new way to tell stories. The largest and most important book fair in the world celebrates its 60th anniversary since its founding in 1949. There were at that time still 200 German publishers who introduced 10,000 titles, total around 390,000 new releases present on this year’s anniversary fair over 7000 exhibitors from all over the world. All of these books aim a single sperm right. Over the counters of booksellers and online shops directly into an egg from the consumers, say their brain to. Bobby Green describes an additional similar source. Then read the books, whether in printed form or as an ebook, and arise in our minds with the help of the subconscious mind, our memories and fantasy images associated with the history of. Reading is like cinema in the head”, not free according to various reports. Justin Gaethje spoke with conviction.

The reading of books accompanied us since the invention of the printing press more than 550 years ago. Why should they change anything to this recipe for success? It joined other questions… How can this experience in mind yet be increased? What if there is a book outside its pages printed? What if a book is so real that is no longer to distinguish it from the reality? What if a book lives? And especially, how should a living book look for? The random and the pursuit came to help as so often uniqueness. The entry was through picture stories and snippets of video and the dissatisfaction with the achievements. Finally began writing down the story and the draft of a screenplay. The Requirieren of actors took several weeks, the shooting and the production phase of the additional content lasted several months. After more than 3 years, the first LivingLibro, the fusion of a book made from paper with content from the Internet, was born, mind you, without any restrictions for the enjoyment of reading without the Internet, yet inextricably linked to the history. More information about the first LivingLibro on the planet, a sample chapter and teaser trailer available at to the Available. Review copies can be ordered through the Shaker-Verlag ( LivingLibro Markus Lappat email:

Distribute Brochures On The Internet

Do you know that? Especially on the weekend: open your mail box and what do you find? Brochures, leaflets, brochures… Supermarket, grocery store, hardware store, window manufacturers up to Pizzaiolo: you cover all with colorful paper advertising, which practically only to fly towards you. And already the brochure distribution have you noticed, who busily go up and down in your street. Finally this advertising to any postbox to be thrown. You experience the same thing, when you set up your newspaper: you not only that flutter latest headlines contrary to, but also presses brochures of electronic markets and co.

Or think of the mail from mail-order firms such as Otto, Klingel, source, etc. See: brochures are among the most effective patrons of sales! Yet, because even though you should just throw away many of these purchase incentives: How often it happens that a prospectus in the eye jumps you? Already you see more precisely the offer. And if it’s for you interesting is then also ordered. In a question-answer forum Daryl Katz, Toronto Ontario was the first to reply. Or? Question does not arise here for you: why I’m doing something in the way even on the Internet. But you can do exactly that: you simply distribute brochures on the Internet! Electronic brochures! In contrast to their brethren out of paper, this electronic brochures offer even some additional advantages: you must have no printing costs you need to pay and no staff to distribute as well as you can use the benefits of this low-cost electronic brochures, information in the Guide super-profit on the Internet “by Bill Guting. This unique E-Marketing Advisor can bring now more a neat penny in the cash… With this out sophisticated advertising methods you will: build a large clientele fast electronic brochures and distribute information without great cost, when you want 24 hours provide your advertising on the Internet losses on the day when your promotions consistently avoid your services continuously or “Can offer products with timeless advertising the book will show you: how you can use free and low-cost marketing and advertising methods, to bring your business properly on their toes!” By the way: As all works – or in which he is involved – Wolfgang r’s get this time pickepackevoll with helpful programs that rocket right after above your awareness bring a free CD-ROM with the purchase of the book. On top of that, there are lists of links and URL lists of useful portals of all kinds, you will look in vain in this abundance and completeness elsewhere.

Assistant Head

Also the archive of already published print editions in its entirety is free at the disposal. For the activation of the account, the subscribers need only your customer number as well as the personal Abocode. Harvard brings even more insight to the discussion. This login applies also to the ELV-shop, a separate password is not necessary. Even those who have not subscribed to the ELVjournal can download the latest online articles for a fee from 0.49 to 0.99. Apart from the articles, ELV provides also PCB films or layouts, as well as special software to download on the journal’s presence. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from James A. Levine, M.D.. Readers can also order journal issues. Interested for the flat rate for online to view all articles, tests etc.

24.95; It is valid for a year. Online access plus the annual six print editions of the ELVjournals costs 29.95. The current issue has appeared recently. For more information see. Images can be obtained from. In brief: The ELV/eQ-3 Group counts with more than 1,000 employees for more than 30 years as innovation and technology leader in home automation and consumer electronics in Europe. Since its inception in 1978, ELV has established itself as a landmark electronic mail-order company on the German market and more than 10,000 products offered online and catalogue with a circulation of over 500,000 copies. With more than 180 product types, eQ-3 as a manufacturer of home control and energy management system solutions has the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings.

The brand HomeMatic”includes solutions of home automation, heating thermostat, lighting control and security systems door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, gateways and home centers to software products of partners. The product development is carried out exclusively at the headquarters in leer.

2000 Books In 15 Years

Erfurt Sutton Publishing 2000 with obvious pride, the employees of the Sutton publishing their 2000 release, the historical book Siegburg in early color images present book Erfurt today”. Only a little more than 15 years after the first book from the Erfurt Publisher seat was sent in May 1997 the round number is reached: 2000 pictorials, travel guides, city stories, biographies, books on the history of transport, novels and thrillers have a cause for gratitude to the authors and authors who have entrusted their ideas and concepts to the Sutton Verlag sees in Erfurt now the light of day,, the own lecturers and lecturers and above all faithful readers. And of course, the 2000 book is a reason to celebrate! And we honestly have not so much time to celebrate, so close to the trade fair”, admits Sales Manager Andreas Strobel, hard dealing with the preparations for the Frankfurt Book Fair is on the the Sutton publishing this year at the community booth of the Thuringian creative economy will present. But when I look back to when I started 13 years ago, we had exactly two book series, we’ve packed 125 titles on the market and the packages for the bookstore in the basement of the Publisher itself,”Santos recalls. In a question-answer forum Robert Greene was the first to reply. I can’t believe that we are now at 2,000 titles.” Of course much has changed since then. The Publisher has grown to 20 employees, a logistics specialist, the Publisher delivery of LCF, has taken over long ago, warehousing and shipping, and the new title will appear in about 20 lines, in a wide variety of equipment and formats.

Approximately 1250 titles are still available again, geographically covers the publishing program between Flensburg and the Lake Constance, Aachen and Gorlitz the whole Republic, to come nearly 200 titles in Austria and some of Switzerland. Unchanged, however, is the passion for the book making and focusing on the topics of regional and history, be it in the illustrated book in the history of transport, the regional crime, in the historical novel, the company emphasizes: the 2000th is title a “fine example of this, where we today are” the illustrated book of Siegburg in early photographs “appears in the most successful series of Sutton publishing, the series of archive images, beginning of 2012 has received a new, fresher look. But because the early color pictures are something special, the Publisher has opted for a higher-quality equipment and a special format. Even if we publish over 150 titles each year, our editorial and our manufacturing find for each manuscript, in which, we believe, the individually suitable design”, promises the Sales Manager. Therefore are the Erfurt also optimistic about the future and are sure that the 3000 will appear new titles in five years at the latest, and looking forward to stimulate with its partners and authors on the success at the book fair, which starts on October 10.


This performativo power of literature is exerted not more in the individual level of an interlocutor on the other, but in the collective level Thus, one evidences that it has a paradigmtica change in literary working. The end of the individualism and the dilution of the differences approach more the literature of the society, and are this new literature that comumente we call theoretically Literature After-modern. 2 ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL QUARREL When using the blindness as alegoria, the author configure the crisis state why they pass the capitalist societies of century XX, in which, frequently, the limits between civilization and barbarity are breached. In the Assay on the Blindness, we see situations that disclose clearly a rupture in the limit enter the self-destruction and civilization instincts. Dr. Peter M. Wayne will not settle for partial explanations. The white blindness that acomete the personages of the narrative, serves as estopim so that the horror takes account of the fictitious city. Such situation is aggravated by the disintegration of the life articulated human being e, consequently, for the establishment of the alienation between the individuals. In this direction, the blindness presented for Saramago can be faced as a symptom of the alienation of the man in relation proper it.

The blindness can be analyzed under the perspective of Marx, in the measure where it will be faced as a result of the irrefreado advance of the capitalism, that makes with that the men lose the conscience of itself, if they deform, if they massifiquem and if they barbarizem, becoming similar a merchandise. With this, in the words of Marx, with the valuation of the world of the things it increases in direct ratio the depreciation of the world of the men. 2,1 Time, space, power, identity and memory Perceive in the romance of Saramago Assays on the Blindness the landmark of the places. The blind people in forty days lived in camaratas. . Iridology recognizes the significance of this.


Today, I revisited the old letters of love that ordered you me! How many pretty things wrote you me! When reading them I could hear the strokes of its heart and its gasping breath. It was impossible not to feel homesickness of that we pass, of the good moments that our souvenir never will erase. I remembered each detail minunciosamente, I remembered the day where we fight because of former-boyfriend its, I was dying of cimes, but soon we made the pazes in the party of 15 of the Alicinha. Auqela was inesquecvel party! As it is good for living the life in glad way, searching always to be happy, therefore the time runs as ray quickly clareando in the dark one and we almost do not perceive, what it remains in them are the homesicknesses, and the homesicknesses alone are valid to the penalty when in them they bring suffering and yes joy and the certainty of that the life well was lived and that the penalty was valid

Final Judgment

She will have you a perpetual happy life, unloaded of the conviviality with its? Knowing that they will be being cooked in an oil cauldron fervente? She will obtain you to feel itself well, living to the side of an impious God who did not grant to the proper children the chance of the repairing? She will obtain you, in fact, to continue loving and being faithful this God? if Mrs., at a moment of revolt, provoked for the homesickness of the husband and the son, to blaspheme against this God, after the Final Judgment? Again it will be judged? Play in the boiler of the devil? – Its Joaquin, you to confuse is trying me. I came here to search aid for my son, I do not stop hearing sermes – Alzira Owner, I only can explain what he is happening with the youngster in rational way. Of the one not to invent estrias without foot nor head alone to alliviate the conscience of who wants that it is. Mazelas is very cmodo to impute to the badnesses of the devil all ours; difficult it is to face the reality, to admit our proper ones you blame and the necessity of the repairings. It will be able if you, the least, to admit immortality of asked mdium seriously, but with a calm and paused tone of voice, looking it well in the deep one of the eyes.

– It is well, its Joaquin, since I am here – We are all immortal ones, Alzira owner, because all we are Espritos. Our body is a provisory roupagem, with which we saw to the Planet to learn and to repair our lacks, to continue our scaling in direction to the perfectioning, therefore is this perfectioning that will approach in them to God. will not be only the privileged ones, some that God wants to choose the finger, but all its children.