Physical Education

8 questions in the research had been analyzed, being that five categories had been identified: knowledge on infantile psicomotricidade; knowledge on the relationary and functional psicimotricidade; knowledge on psicomotricidade in the half liquid; use of the two lines of the psicomotricidade in the lessons of swimming for babies and relation of the methodology with the practical lesson. The process of collection of data first occurred through a research verifying the particular schools of swimming of the city of Porto Alegre (RS), but specifically the schools that work with babies. The collection was carried through in different quarters of Porto Alegre? RS in accordance with the characteristics of the sample and availabilities of the citizens in answering the questionnaire. After the visits and contacts for telephone, with few answers a little was opted in sending the questionnaire for email more than thus getting answers. In the sequence, the swimming school was requested an authorization stops to apply the questionnaire with the professor, the purpose to carry through the present study. With the authorization of the schools and the professors the questionnaire was applied. During this process it was individually explained to the professors of Physical Education the objectives of the present study, as well as the fulfilling of the questionnaire.

The same it was filled individually. The professors had verbally authorizeed the use of the answers of the questionnaire for the research. The results had been organized from the descriptive analysis, considering the reply in the questionnaires that had been made use in five categories. Results and Quarrel the results had been presented in accordance with the specific objectives. The same ones had been organized in five categories. Knowledge on Infantile Psicomotricidade When analyzing the relative category to ' ' knowledge of the professor on the psicomotricidade infantil' ' , it was observed that professors 1, 2 and 4 consider that the infantile psicomotricidade is the affective development, social, cognitivo and motor.