The green seasoning still promotes the recycling of nutrients of deep layers of the ground for the surface, in assimilable forms for the cultivated plants, when used species with system to radicular deep. Some studies indicate that, for this characteristic, such practical promotes the disruption of the layers of alternative excellent compacting to the current mechanical methods of subsolagem, of raised cost recent Studies, had demonstrated that is perfectly viable if to proceed the green fertilization in the periods from between-harvest (February/March the July/August) green Fertilization contributes for control of: Control of harmful grass; Control of plagues and illnesses; Incorporation of organic substance; Effect of the Green Fertilization in the Properties of the Ground – chemical Effect; – Effect biological; – Physical Effect; – Alelopticos Effect; – Indirect Effect; Some plants used for green fertilization: Common black oats, Rye, Barley, Milheto BN2, forrageiro Sorgo, black Mucuna, gray Mucuna, Crotalria espectabilis, dwarfed Beans guandu, Lab-Lab, Sunflower catissol. – Grassy rustic with good capacity of perfilhamento; – Little demanding in fertility; – Resistant to it dries; – High effect Presents aleloptico suppresor/on diverse invading plants; – It allows I join with ervilhaca forrageiro turnip and, for green fertilization or animal feeding. – Grassy rustic with good capacity of perfilhamento; – Little demanding in fertility; – Resistant to it dries; – High effect Presents aleloptico suppresor/on diverse invading plants; – It allows I join with ervilhaca forrageiro turnip and, for green fertilization or animal feeding. – Plant with high resistance to dries, and the salinity of the ground; – Vigorous system Presents to radicular; – Raised potential of perfilhamento; – High capacity of recycling of nutrients; – It can be used as fodder plant for the animals, providing of 3 up to 5 pastejos, later leave to form palhada for the direct plantation and green fertilization. – High rusticidade; – It can grow in ground with saturation of 35-40% bases, and low in match and other nutrients; – Indicated for arenaceous and argillaceous ground of low the average fertility – consorciao with the maize, sorgo, milheto and as green for being great nitrogen fixing and very rich fertilization in nutrients. Crotalaria potential Espectabilis-Great of use, as much in the open pasture as in the South of Brazil; – Nematides of the ground Contributes for the reduction of some; – It is used as green seasoning for being great nitrogen fixing; – Fast Growth, covering the ground quickly; – Much used for the rotation of culturasPossui system to radicular very vigorous and developed that guarantees good resistance to it to dries; – Adapta well the all type of ground, with exception to the ones of extreme humidity; – ' is considered; ' Zebu' ' of the leguminosas; – Fodder plant with more than 20% of rude protein; – T of MS/ha/ano in 3 Produces up to 15 the 4 cuts. – It is very palatvel also at the time dries of the year; – Comprovadamente an excellent nitrogen clamp of air. Lab-lab Use in fertilization green, pastejo, ensilagem with milheto, maize and sorgo; – Good growth, good production of biomass; – Used in rotation of cultures; – Indicated for arenaceous and argillaceous ground of low the average fertility.