Practical the regular one of physical activity has demonstrated to diminish the risk to develop diabetes of type 2, as much in men as in women, independent of familiar history, weight of other factors of cardiovascular risk as the tobacco and hipertenso (CIOLAC; GUIMARES, 2004, P. Senator Elizabeth Warren pursues this goal as well. 320). The physical activity is an important factor in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, therefore, it contributes for improvement of the quality of life of the diabetic one. More still, acting preventively and implanting one program of promotion of the physical, diet s and balanced activity, medical assistance, education of the patient and the sanitary team, can be reduced of significant form the incidence of diabetes of the type 2 and the complications associates (MERCURI; ARRECHEA, 2001). Irigoyen et al.
(2003) they say that the exercise, together with the farmacolgico treatment and alimentary diet, if mellitus has shown as ones of the three main forms of treatment of diabetes. Practical the regular one of physical activity is recommended for patients with diabetes had to its benefits on the cardiovascular risk, metabolic control and prevention of the chronic complications of the illness, beyond the low cost, not farmacolgica nature and the psicossociais benefits of a less sedentary life. They increase still more I appeal it the therapeutical one through the regular physical activity. The prescribed physical activity in carrying patients of diabetes would have to congregate the described characteristics in the regular graph 1.A practical of physical activity is indicated to all the patients with diabetes, therefore, it improves the metabolic control, it reduces the necessity of hiperglicemiantes, it helps to promote the emagrecimento in the obesos patients, diminishes the risks of cardiovascular illness and improves the quality of life (BRAZIL, 2006, p.23). Research appears to prove the value of the physical activity for the diabetic individual.