
Soy and the many different ways of using the soy bean is grown for almost 5000 years in China. There she was one in addition to rice, barley and wheat the Holy crops, although himself of course belongs to the pulses. “From China arrived the soybean plant in the Middle Ages also Japan, where she also meat from the field” is called. Soy is still the most important donors of the protein in both countries. Namely, soy contains high-quality protein, meat up to 40 percent, however, only the half.

In addition, that soy approximately has 20 percent fat with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Today, it is the most commonly used fat in the margarine industry. You may find patrick matthews to be a useful source of information. Only in the 18th century, the soya bean came to Europe, and shortly thereafter in the United States. Today, these are the main producers of soybeans, about 70 percent of the world crop. However, it is only a fraction of more than 10 percent in the food industry or in trade. The rest is used as animal feed. The soy bean is, like the other staple Wheat or potatoes, a highly cultured and highly cultivated plant.

There are now nearly 10,000 different varieties. Soy keeping cholesterol in check. A soy-rich diet with 30-45 grams of soy protein per day can reduce cholesterol levels by an average of 13 percent, and this despite his own fat salary by about 20 percent, as noted in various studies. Due to this protective effect for the blood vessels is saponins and phytosterols once on the secondary plant substances as well as on the high content of fibre, which all of them bind bile acids in the intestine and thus the cholesterol in the body become scarce. On the other hand, the soy bean contains a high proportion of unsaturated, essential fatty acids, for example linoleic acid in their fat. They also contribute to the regulation of lipid metabolism, therefore support the body weight loss and lose weight, and have cholesterol lowering. In women’s health, long the effect of soy is a high priority, because soy beans help against menopausal symptoms. The Phytoestrogens, which are responsible for the protective effect against estrogen-dependent cancers, can help relieve also symptoms that occur in menopause like sweating, hot flashes, or depression. This effect is achieved when women concerned over several weeks to take daily to approximately 45 grams of soy flour or 30 grams of soy protein. Women who live in Great Britain, have it easier in this regard. With them there is a hormone bread”in the trade to buy, that contains specific against menopause, Phytoestrogens from soy and flaxseed. Soy there to buy in various forms of preparation. The sprouts are the best known.

Breast Cancer Surgery

In Germany a still completely under-represented process of Bonn. -Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women is still one of the most common cancers in Germany and 29 percent. For more specific information, check out McDougall Program. Each year approximately 58,000 women will develop in Germany new breast cancer. Per 100,000 residents 130 women every year are affected for a city like Bonn such as this means more than 400 new cases each year. In spite of the increasingly improved methods for the early detection of breast cancer is not succeeded until today, to operate all tumors breast getting. About one-third of patients who will develop breast cancer, the breast must be removed due to various factors. The resulting external change and violation of physical integrity means a considerable psychological strain for many of the patients’ white Dr. It is not something James A. Levine, M.D. would like to discuss. Kay Hendrik Busch, head physician of the Department newly established since the beginning of the year for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in the Maltese hospital Bonn/Rhein-Sieg.

In the It is therefore all the more important to take advantage of all opportunities of reconstruction of the breast sense an optimal support of affected patients. The breast reconstruction is so Bush, despite all the new evidence in Germany as a under-represented procedure and is performed only in half of all patients after mastectomy ever. The newly established clinic for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the Maltese hospital in Bonn devoted to since the beginning of the year focused on the reconstruction of the female breast after amputation. The clinic offers the full spectrum of breast surgery. The possibility of breast reconstruction by so-called Expander and silicone prostheses available here besides the breast reconstruction using your own tissue from the abdomen.

A reconstruction of the breast implants is the procedure gentlest for women according to Bush, because no additional tissues in other parts of the body must be removed. At the same time, the number of subsequent operations using this method is very low. A big shortcoming the training of so-called capsular Contracture was this surgical method in the past “, Bush explains. The capsular Contracture is a scarring, which occurs around the implant through a contraction and shrink the scar on permanent deformation can lead up to a painful hardening of the breast. Using most modern networks, obtained from biological material, such as for example the Veritas collagen matrix, we have succeeded to reduce the rate of scars in our home and to reduce the risk to our patients so that.”we’ve made very good experiences with the reconstruction of the breast from body tissue”, as Bush. Thanks to latest gentle surgical techniques tissue from the abdomen can be taken over largely unharmed, so a scarring in the abdominal cavity can be prevented. With this tissue the breast form of the opposite side can be modeled optimally.” The body’s tissues need no further corrections and also no long-term complications are to be expected. In the future can be significantly more patients who have either had concern before a major surgery using own tissue or fear of a scarring of the implants, reconstruct the breast by the application of the newly developed biological networks. A consultation at the clinic for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in the Maltese hospital Bonn/Rhein-Sieg is possible at any time.

No Fear Of Cervical Cancer

Does not arise from any change in cell cancer cell changes on the cervix (dysplasia) are a common finding of frauenarztlichen screening. But it’s still not a cancer of any dysplasia. “The magazine nature doctor your health advisor” (issue 3/2010) enlighten on the links. Cervical cancer is now since the introduction of screening in the 1970s the rather rare cancers. Before a cancer of the cervix, the cells are often already in damaged. These precursors of cancer, severe dysplasia”is called, can be determined by a cell smear and then possibly surgically removed.

The downside of this, in the jargon as a Pap smear “investigation referred to is also women with slight cell variations which are 100 times more likely, to be concerned. A cancer even arises not from any dysplasia necessarily, if at the same time in the last years the focus on advanced papilloma viruses (HPV) be found. A dysplasia should be initially thought a longer existing vaginal infections, investigated and dealt with accordingly. This proven, simple and low-side effect methods of naturopathy are: acidification: support of the body’s protection (by introducing plain yogurt or use of milk-acidic vaginal suppositories). Germ defense: Highly effective essential oils (thyme, lavender, niaouli, among others) can administer themselves in suppository form. Add to your understanding with Senator Elizabeth Warren. Care: The mucous membrane in the genital area regularly oils or creams, for example with a mixture of St. John’s wort oil (100 ml) and Sea buckthorn oil (2 ml). A regular screening helps to assess the development.

Often, deviations of the so-called PAP values normalize within a few months. Dysplasias occur due to various factors. A role play including too much intimate hygiene (washing lotions, washes), woman little hygiene of man. Also the use of hormones (as a contraceptive pill or menopausal) has a negative impact. Women who smoke are more at risk than non-smokers. “Detailed information on cervical cancer in the journal nature doctor, find your health advisor” (issue 3/2010). In recipes for the naturopathic treatment, as well as arguments for and against HPV vaccination. Press contact: Editorial nature doctor Christoph Wagner old Falkenstein 37a, 61462 Konigstein/TS. Tel. 06174 / 92 63 21

Public Therapy

Physiotherapy – with us in the best hands with experience demonstrated that lasting effects can be achieved with active therapies. The industrious involvement on the own healing process and the stabilisation of health, very meets the health consciousness of the patient. Physiotherapists work to help of a patient, by showing more consciously to perceive the own body. According to medical prescription physicians and physiotherapists work mostly with each other to achieve an optimal result. This modern health care is an interdisciplinary cooperation of various professionals.

We deal in all medical fields in the internal medicine, Pediatrics, orthopaedics, Neurology and Psychiatry use used by physiotherapy. Also consult physiotherapists recreational and professional athletes. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. John Mcdougall. To support the Vitalfunktion of the patients, the therapists themselves in intensive care in the hospital help by a respiratory therapy is most important. The basic Knowledge of the human anatomy and the neurophysiology are basis of treatment and examination techniques, because the physical therapist create an individual treatment plan. We support people of all ages people of all age groups may be accompanied by specific treatments.

For example, the Vojta therapy uses to help an infant with a delayed motor development. In the back of the school the offspring learn playfully with a muscular tension in the school day. Especially after a pregnancy, a special training for the muscles of the pelvic floor, prevents a chronic bladder weakness. Acute pain of a herniated, manual therapies are overcome, the muscles of the patients will be trained under the guidance of physiotherapist gently. Especially older people benefit from physiotherapy, as by, for example, different concepts, after a stroke itself can be helped, without relying on others. We offer physical therapy without a prescription Public health prevention contributes physiotherapy with its diverse offerings to reduce costs at. Prevention is cheaper than cure. Therefore, health-interested patients increasingly ask offers health care. The parents advice, back school, workplace consulting, aqua jogging, medical training therapy, coronary and Osteoporsesport are one of the preventive services of our physiotherapy practice. These services can be used without a prescription, however, the sickness fund funded however a prevention often. Contribute to make people healthier or even not once sick, physiotherapy. Physiotherapy in Hanover, find a competent physical therapists in Hannover? We are looking forward to your contact.


Sleeping space investigations and site investigations of by building biologists have sleep disorders and don’t know why? Mold shows up on the walls? You get tinnitus (ringing), headaches, tension in your own four walls constantly, without that you can find a cause? You should call a professional for healthy building and residential building biologists called. Visit Dr. Neal Barnard for more clarity on the issue. You have the expertise and the measuring devices, safely and reliably to tell whether you your apartment or Your place to sleep is sick. Standard tests such as magnetic field measurements include the measurements of the building biologists today, high-frequency tracking measurements (e.g. mobile phone masts, WiFi, DECT phones), but also investigations, to what extent you are magnetically neutral sleeping or whether curtains or blinds build static fields, which can affect your body. The Web site offers free background information on this important health issue, here you can find also a Google maps map, on which visually can see how far the next specialist for healthy living you would be home away and you will find the telephone numbers, often the Web pages of the trained building biologists and can contact quickly and easily.

Check out around the clock on healthy sleeping places and positive plots on responsible for the content and distribution of this press release marketing Nastasi is 25/1 69207 sand Jose holder Alexander Nastasi forest road Tel: 06224/924255 fax: 06224/924259 Note: A sleeping place study can replace not the visit to a doctor, the law provides no link between smog and possible diseases. He also didn’t see that when cigarettes today look on a pack of cigarettes. Marketing Nastasi specializes in the distribution of online content about the law of attraction and manifesting the personal growth of participants. In the parlance as Mentalcoaching, to name a few common trainer or consultant. It is the thanks most modern Internet and telecommunications technology possible, the course around the world to take advantage of, is he currently (January 2010) German and English offered in other languages are in preparation. The law of attraction / law of attraction / the secret power of thought / manifesting is based on the power of thought of people everyone is able to bring visible and noticeable effects in his life by altering his attitude and his focus. Since May 2008, the online coaching Portal operated by the entrepreneur couple Nastasi. In addition to this portal to the personality education, the company operates a number health portals, E.g. for building biologists, Naturopath or wellness and has published the five books. Further information about the 2003 founded family operation headquartered in Germany are available on the company’s website. Desired specimen copy requested print and play of this message.


Natural ingredients as cancer therapy strengthens the immune system Coblavest S.L.. headquartered in Spain the unique natural healing product anti-cancer Benalu sells tea (tea parasite) from autumn 2010 Europe “from West Java / Indonesia.” The motto of Coblavest: prevention, aftercare, the sick people to help and serve the health. The founders of Coblavest are the health since 1976 in the services. The daily handling of patients and the many years of experience with biological working physicians helps sick to want to help people. Benalu tea (Scurulla atropurpurea – BL), which was used by the Asians as a proven natural remedy against malignant cancer, is now for years scientifically researched, clinically tested, and since some of the public years known through media, see:.

Pharm. Bull. 51(3) 343? 345 (2003). This Benalu tea (tea parasite) is particularly effective against cancer TUMOURS-asthma, bladder stones, lumbago, cough allergies, swelling, bleeding, ulcers and inflammation etc. It strengthens the body’s defences and stabilizes the immune system. This tea is recommended after each surgery and chemotherapy.

It prevents the development of remaining after chemotherapy recurrence (cancer growth). During the therapy takes the body the smell of tea BBs on. This is a sign that the active ingredients are in the bloodstream and active remaining cancer cells attack, can stop their growth and ultimately die off. Anti-cancer tea (tea parasite) is also active as a preventive action (prevention) constant taking, because the tea immediately intervenes. Literature Info: cancer cells like no raspberries! Laboratory and molecular medicine Canada, appeared in the Weltbild-Verlag. Orders if possible email: reference source and additional information is obtained by Coblavest S.L.

Managing Director

Outstanding note by the medical service the medical service of health insurance (MDK) receives the order perform among ambulatory care services quality checks of the maintenance funds. At least once a year, such a test is unannounced and according to set criteria of quality. To keep the test results, transparent and easy to understand, there is a rating system modeled on school grades. The nursing service receives marks for three quality bands and a note, which is derived from the survey of the customers of the care service. The overall score is as devoted as compared to the national average shows that House Angel care services GmbH is an above-average working.

ISO certification brings Transpatenz and security the DIN ISO 9001 standard describes a pan-European standard that defines the requirements of a customer-oriented, collaborative and process-oriented quality management system as well as its documentation. The certification indicates that is the House Angel care services GmbH has been proven to the Has ISO 9001 standard principles of DIN and developed a systematic quality management system. The result can be seen: the structures significantly increase the safety and quality for the customers and to supervising persons and guarantee a high and consistent quality in the service and supply them. The House of angels Academy is certified according to the guidelines of the Federal Agency for work with the so-called “Accreditation and approval regulation employment promotion” (AZAV) the Federal Agency has established a framework for work for quality assurance of continuing training. A quality assurance standard, now also the home Angels Academy as a training carrier demonstrably met. The very good rating of various bodies are pleased and it proves that we are with our work in a correct and good way. Yet we will not rest on the result, for us, the satisfaction of our customers continues to be at the top. Therefore, we are in all areas of care and support continue to fight for quality”, so Simon Wenz, Managing Director of Angel home care services GmbH.


On the one hand medical facilities where no safety control is prescribed, are tested according to DIN VDE 0751-1 or DIN VDE 62353. Examples of this category are microscopes and other laboratory equipment, suction devices and exam lights. On the other hand, the entire range of equipment in a practice must be checked. These include vacuum cleaners, coffee machines, microwaves but also extension cables and power strips. This test is the VDE 0701/0702 to reason.

Detailed information for testing according to DIN VDE 0701/0702 get inspection The tests to ensure the safety of patients, staff or third parties according to BGV A3. The periodic check of electrical medical devices or products are not prescribed by DIN VDE 0751-1. Should exist no determination by the manufacturer, the responsibility during the practice owner or the operator of medical technology. The guideline is about a year between two retries.

Influencing factors must however be given prominence as the type of device, the usage purpose and the frequency, the operating conditions, the frequency of lack of and maintaining the devices. For the setting of inspection periods of electrical equipment a breakdown carried out by the VDE 0701/0702 for the time being mobile and -resources. Mobile equipment is portable devices such as vacuum cleaner, coffee machines and kettles, which must be tested in an interval of one year. For devices in offices such as printers and phones, a control sufficient of all two years. Fixed electrical equipment are installed in a site, in the longer term such as, for example, washing machines. Here the test period is four years. Only specially trained persons, such as electricians, approved and calibrated measuring instruments may test a VDE it. The auditor or the auditor must have at any time their qualifications. The examination of electrical medical devices and resources will focus on an early detection of defects, which in the worst case can lead to hazards, damage and accidents. The VDE test includes various types of inspection and electrical measurements:-Visual inspection – investigation of the electrical appliance on externally visible defects and damage such as faulty cables, plugs or switches, Wear, missing covers, faulty repairs, safety-reducing pollution, presence of security-relevant inscriptions and proper labelling of electrical measurements – collection of various electrical measurements, depending on the type of appliance, protection class and measuring method measuring the protective conductor resistance measuring the insulation resistance measurement of the substitute leakage current measuring the contact current measurement of the patient the leading current measurement of the differential current function test must only after successful inspection and performed to correct results; Device will be activated according to its purpose and function upper fourth documentation contains information to the investigator (name, business name, signature), measurement methods, measurements, date of inspection, etc., defects or damage is observed in a VDE testing, the inspector must issue a recommendation for repair and the medical device with a corresponding test badge, for example with “the inscription defect”, attach. After completed inspection with no deficiencies have been identified, is the identification of the medical device with the corresponding certification label. The badge has tested the printing of medical technology according to BGV A3 “and also indicates the next test date with month and year. A compliance with all medical product Act, demands and BGV A3 tests ensure not only legal certainty across the street from authorities and the insurance protection from damage or accidents. Enables the functionality, accurate diagnosis and quality for patients at a safe level.

ADHD Genetic

(PM) Berlin, 12.10.2010 a recent study suggests that the disorder ADHD has genetic causes. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (short: ADHD) are affected in Germany about 500,000 children and adolescents, boys with three to four times more than girls. Often, these children are restless and impulsive, and suffer from attention and concentration difficulties. On the basis of their behaviour frequently problematic situations in the family and in schools. There are many misunderstandings in this disorder. Especially parents have to fight, that they just poorly educate the children or feed with too many sweets, and thus to promote unrest with prejudice. Now, a team of scientists of at Cardiff of University in Wales discovered that the cause of the so-called hyperactive syndrome is genetic. Children compared the genetic structure of 366 ADHD to the DNA of 1047 people who do not suffer from this disorder.

The researchers found that 15 Percent of affected children exhibit significant and rare changes in DNA, on the other hand, there were only seven percent in the healthy. In hyperactive children are therefore certain sections of DNA, the so-called gene copy number variations (CNV), either in duplicate or missing. Study leader Professor Anita Thapar told the press the study prove beyond reasonable doubt the influence of genes on the disease. As other researchers have been looking for the reasons for ADHD in education defects or environmental influences, would be required to realize according to opinions of Thapar, that the assumption is faulty. The scientists also showed that still much work ahead before the mental disorder could be fully understood. Also, Kate Langley, one of the authors of the study, acknowledged that the study of the genetic material on CNVs alone is not sufficient to determine whether a child or teenager was suffering from ADHD.

However, the study can help better to determine the causes of ADHD. Often takes a hasty Diagnosis of the disorder in young people instead. Not every strenuous teenager who conforms to no parental or educational, suffers from ADHD. Lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet can also lead to a conspicuous behaviour. A solution on the basis of sufficient rest, sport and balanced diet should be found here. Also dietary supplements such as BrainEffect also”indicating that can provide the brain with all the essential vitamins and nutrients, and so in addition to promote the concentration at school and at work.

Stefan Morsch Foundation

Annual balance sheet of the oldest donor file: nearly 600 Stammzellspenden 2013 the cooperation with educational institutions should be developed at the first German donor file a record number of potential lifesavers were registered in the past year: almost 23 000 people have can be 2012 by the staff of the Stefan Morsch Foundation type. This means that they have agreed to do so, to give a chance to cure a person suffering from leukemia with a registry in the event of an emergency. At the same time, also a new record for the number of people was achieved, indeed for their genetic twins”could donate. Almost 600 donors were lifesavers. The Stefan Morsch Foundation based in Birkenfeld (Rhineland-Palatinate) is the oldest Stammzellspenderdatei in Germany. Under the motto “Hope help heal” the Foundation provides for more than 25 years help leukemia and tumor patients. The main objective of the Foundation is to promote, as unrelated to register people. Therefore, teams are the almost daily “Foundation in whole Germany, to so-called typing actions” to inform about the theme registry.

270 Typing actions have been organized so nationwide. “Emil Morsch, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation: we are human beings at the Centre, need the help.” Nearly 11 000 people each year fall ill with leukemia. Often, a stem cell transplant is her only chance to escape the blood cancer. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that every healthy man aged 18 with a stem cell transplant can save lives. You can register with the consent of the parents aged 16 and over. Therefore we will set our focus on the education of young people this year”, said Foundation founder. In the past few years we have cooperated very well with the German armed forces”, the 69-year-old reported. Greatly increased the percentage of soldiers in the file: not only that the number of typed soldiers within the donor file and the share of the marrow grows, is today 30 Percent.