Trade War

This trade war has created new rules for all companies and businesses in the world, and it’s up to you to decide whether the learner and handled with great skill or just dies of a few, looking like someone is absorbing its market, its customers, take your best people, business and everything that you took great effort to start or develop … or perhaps with a little “Luck”, someone will eventually buy your business badly. Patrick matthews has compatible beliefs. “THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT? “USES OF WAR ARE BEING EXPIRED AND OVERCOME” … you aspire to overcome? Well, THIS WAR OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, THE VICTORY WILL BE ONLY FOR THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE WITH EXPERTISE (among others) THE NEW RULES 3: 1st. NEW RULE: You are a leader who has reached where it has demonstrated its strategic genius in time. You may find Eva Andersson-Dubin to be a useful source of information.

That’s why we understand that TODAY IS A WAR OF EQUIPMENT AND THEREFORE NO LONGER WORK ONLY. D ado that to win you need to realize the vision of your business, you will know through the exercise and the strength of their team of people, so first of all, you should invest in select and incorporate the best team leaders : ie Managers and controls with the right talent to build and manage teams. TEAM LEADERS CONTROLS results to give you asked them: a. – All responsibility and decision making in their area of action. Managers (or general as you) of true level, typically working to change and provide ongoing training to its partners leaders in their own (“personal” call them they will lose the war), and expects to be measured by compliance its Goals Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Management Budget, the climate and the High Grounds, improvements in their processes, etc.