Roman Surgery
The cardiac patient can present its congenital pathology or to be victim of an unexpected event, resulting in a surgery (in accordance with the specific pathology) or carrying through angioplastia (surgery of small transport). These two last unexpected, sudden modalities, being able to become source of great Roman anxiety (1994, p.62) point the phases for which it passes the cardiac patient when it is under the immediate postoperative cares. It has, first, a constatao that survived to the surgery, that is alive; it acquires then the state of alert and feels pain and I bother of the incisions. In accordance with the authors Oliveira, Sharovsky and Ismael, the period most difficult of the surgical treatment is of the permanence of the patient in the UTI, where if it finds weakker, on in devices, sounding leads, catheters and dependent of third. At the same time where it feels relief of the tension generated for the anxiety of the operatrio daily pay, the fall of its defenses occurs, being able to cause psicorreativos pictures giving to origin the depression, agitation and to the times confusionais states of psychosomatic origin. When leaving the UTI, crises of I cry and sadness moments are common. This because during this phase the patient one generally passes for reflection moments, analyzing and reevaluating values of the life, and many would like to try to modify some lived deeply situations already.
The emotividade can continue for plus some months and the best way of if dealing with it are admitiz it and to leave that if it reveals of course. Hardly the psychologist will be present in postoperative the immediate one. But he will be able to make the accompaniment so soon takes knowledge of the possibility of the patient to be taken care of, having to inquire itself previously, with the plantonista doctor and nurses on the current state of the patient, in order to inform some facts that will be able liven up it for its recovery.