Caucasian Mineral Waters

Gray, all of mark marking asphalt ribbon stretched to move to the city of Kislovodsk. We, the two architects, traveling by car from the airport Mineral Waters somewhere about forty minutes. The city welcomed us very friendly, unlike the weather Mineral Waters. As we said the driver, such shifts of weather is normal for the region of Caucasian Mineral Waters. Mountains encircled the city and inside the small speaking polugorami poluholmami create interesting landscape. A tale for the modernist architect. We drove in silence, just watching with interest pezazhami which flashed past the windows of our car.

City high-rise buildings opened to us the Soviet period and modern buildings in between, although there were also a new high-rise building. Crowding in the city ring of mountains raised the price of land that is naturally forced to put investors at the height of the houses. Driving along the main street – Avenue of Victory, we It turns out no one had crossed the city. But to us it was not noticeable, the town itself is small and the differences in areas not so striking. But the noticeable difference in the number and height of buildings. Victory Avenue is the longest street with one ring of which we entered the city, and from another we went to the central circular area of Kislovodsk. In general, a passion for roundabouts in urban Kavminvod widespread. From the area circled on it, we went to the left towards the old railway bridge, and a small pump-room mineral water Zhelyabovsky known as seltzer.

The purpose of our trip was a sanatorium Plaza, where we were supposed to get organized in Kislovodsk meeting a number of architects whose purpose was to discuss several issues and interactions in multiple projects. Slipped through the blue spruce adorned with some interesting and sanatoria of Kislovodsk, Zhelyabov street we turned briskly to the side and we were told were on Lenin Avenue, and within five minutes were on the scene. Gleaming in the sun and molding foreign shine, we were met by our resort in the short time he became our home. Despite the long-range flight air of Kislovodsk and its species we cheer and we were tired though but would also make a walk after dinner in the surroundings of our resort, good as we were told there was something to look. But our plans as we would expect mixed meal, which turned us from a persistent climbers of mountains in relaxed and willing to nuzzle the elderly. We fell asleep in a room under the gentle sounds of some unknown birds that perched on a branch that is singing about her on bird …

Origin Of Man: Why Africa ?

While it is still quite common to hear the views of the divine origin of man, or even cosmic, but people are educated and savvy can hardly doubt the truth. The emergence of Homo sapiens occurred during the biological evolution of anthropoid obezyan. By the middle of the XX century in the scientific community firmly established opinion about the African origin of human heart, and in 1974 the whole world shook a sensational discovery. Where African Rift divides into two "horns" in Ethiopia, in Afar region, was found a complete skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis, one of our most ancient ancestors, the age of about 3.8 million years. While all were passionate group of the Beatles, and the skeleton (it belonged to a female) was named Lucy, the eponymous song. This finding is summed up decades of hard and, sometimes, dramatic work on the study and systematization of data on the anatomy and way of life of early hominids and the first representatives of the genus Homo. Not touching the essence of much debate about human origins, we give the main results, which is now generally agreed academic science, based on extensive data research in paleoanthropology, Comparative genetics and evolutionary psychology.

1. We know exactly who was the direct ancestor of man kind (Homo). They were the gracile australopithecines, creatures with a small brain volume, but very active, with good social organization and had a real family. Homo genus Australopithecus or separated from other similar hominids about 2 million years ago in Africa. There are several types of people, most of whom had died. These include, inter alia, include erectus and Neanderthals.

The earliest representatives of Homo sapiens were the result of the evolution of 400-250 thousand years ago. 2. We know exactly the place of human origins. This is Africa, and that its area, which adjoins the Great Rift valley, crossing the continent from south to north. There are no other places of human origin have been identified. According to this ruling today in a science hypothesis, our species emerged in Africa and spread from there around the world, replacing existing populations in other regions of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. 3. We are certain that our early ancestors began walking on two legs at least 2 million years before they began to use specially made tools. It is interesting that Darwin knew nothing about the future of numerous anthropological finds, however, wrote in his book "The Descent of Man," that our ancestors probably lived in Africa. But why in Africa? This question is only beginning to be discussed in academic circles and is of great interest. Ask him to our guide and the tourists who buy the tour in Tanzania, "In the wake of the African Adam." Answer this and many other the evolution of life can be also bought in any book of scientific and popular novel DA Chernyakhovsky "Resources and Development: from bacteria to the market", or received it for free at our office.