Already know what is diabetes, terrible thing that being attacked by this disease and at the same time what you need to do to get out of it if we can, or at least delay it more than your arrival can be and with it the limitations to our modus vivendi in addition to all this we know that a very high percentage is a hereditary disease. Then…We know before hand that our children and our grandchildren are candidates to carry the title of diabetic and if in addition joins the lack of physical exercise in their daily lives and perhaps a bit of excess weight, all the conditions so that it takes or be early diagnosed as diabetic. It is our duty as parents that we initiate a battle without limits to avoid or delay the period in which they can live without that evil. Does that parent does not want the best for your child? But love alone is not enough to do as well as we care about your instruction, their diet also by your health. The problem usually occurs not when they are very children and if so It is easier to direct them to a more healthy way of life for them, but if this is developed more advanced age between 10 and 15 years or more the problems is much greater since they are more autonomous in decisions that eat and make that age already we are not us who we are going to put and life programa diet or a single gym can propose they are those who accept or meds ideas and usually reject them since there is no consciousness that is living with diabetes (diabetes) in them. The situation is not easy since we don’t want to lead their life but on the other hand we want to avoid (or at least extend) the time that diabetes is priority theme in his life and more even in his old age, as parents can not surrender to these difficulties we must fight with all the tools we have to manufacture them that defence, such as putting them on silver platter if you want all the information thereon to diabetes, collaborating with them and be by her side when they do the least effort by trying to go by the way of avoid the diabetes, if we are not trained to achieve us heard asking for professional help, finally everything that is necessary to avert them into innocent way or unrealistic make the damage does not take care of over the years that if you can since it might already be late to 35 or 40.