The election the changes that occur in a population from the forces of mutation, migration, recombination and structure of reproduction. The distinguishing taxes of survival and reproduction are what it is called if election. The evolutivos processes of the HIV How of any another alive being can occur for anagenese and cladogenese Percebe? if in the HIV clear processes of anagnese for which a character appears or modifies in a population throughout the time, being responsible for ' ' new features evolutivas' '. James A. Levine, M.D. might disagree with that approach. Examples that occur in this population are the setting, in the populations of mutation (alterations of the genetic material) and of genetic recombinations through mainly the natural election, selecting the organism to one determined ambient condition. It is perceived action of cladognese where the separation of the HIV of the population of the SIV occurred. itzer. Evolution In the viruses the control of the gnica expression serves mainly to allow that the cells if adjust the nutricionais changes in the environment, of form that its growth and to optimize is lines of direction. Adaptation a reply to the election occurs whenever a herdvel variation of a trace is correlated with the reproductive success thus in the HIV when perceiving an increase of the population or the viral load perceives sucessso evolutivo in that type of environment that something favored. The result is the improvement in perfomance reproductive. If this improvement continues during a enough number of generations, a process called adaptation, results in a condition of a trace that also we call an adaptation. Exactly without the gnico flow, it takes time for a population to adapt an ambient change. **** Is important to perceive that an adaptation to an ambient change gnicas Frequencies Not