Land Human
This can seem a paradox, after all the proper etimologia of the word history comes of a root Greek who means ' ' SABER' ' , and even so our imagination does not know borders, cannot know what the future in the reserve. But if we will have in mind that the objectives of science are to expand the borders of the knowledge, then historical science can contribute very to reach this objective. So that it serves history? After all in sciences we want to understand the reason of the things: Reason the sky is blue in the Land and yellow in Mars? Reason the water wets? What it takes in them to make these questions and to study this or that subject? It is through history that we can explain as the societies that had lived in the past had committed errors that today does not commit more due the information left for these ancestral ones that its good and bad experiences had registered. Thus science is a continued effort that always requires new heads and new ideas that help in them to enxergar new directions. Our decisions while men and scientists can influence all a society and nor always in positive way.
The great moments of the history of the humanity want in the areas of Social Sciences, want in the Physics, the Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, etc, are registered in documents that portray the action of the man in the time. Science historical this is everything because it in any area of the action registers the happened human fact is human being. To conclude, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, ahead of all the quarrels stopped for many theoreticians in the diverse areas of the Philosophy and sciences human beings, conclude that ' ' history is a science in construction, therefore it does not search absolute and perpetual truths, that the conquest of its scientific method not yet is complete and that the historians still are discovering the adequate ways of analysis to its objeto' '.