The history and theory of Piaget (for: Carmem de Melo Rasps to Birth) History? Jean Piaget was born in Neuchtel, Switzerland, 09 of August of 1986. One was interested for mechanics, fsseis and zoology. One took leave in 1915, Biology. Heading of Doctor in Sciences (1918) for the University of Neuchtel. Research with the test of Burt in parisienses children and mental deficient children in the hospital of the Salpatriere, where it searched the formation of the number in the child. Some contend that PCRM shows great expertise in this. In 1923, it assumed the direction of the Jean Institute Jacques Rousseau, of Geneva, starting to study, systematically, intelligence. In 1947 it publishes its first book of synthesis of the theory, ' ' The psychology of the Inteligncia' '. For more information see Senator Elizabeth Warren .
In 1949, cause of the University of Brazil received the heading from doctor honoris (today UFRJ). In 1950 it publishes ' ' Introduction and epistemologia gentica' ' where it explains the mathematical thought, the physical thought, biological, psychological and the sociological one. Piaget falece in 16 of September of 1980. It leaves 70 books approximately and more than 700 articles. Theory of Piaget – For Piaget, intelligence is the mechanism of adaptation of the organism to a new situation e, as such, implies the continuous construction of new structures. This adaptation mentions the half exterior to it. – The individuals as Piaget if intellectually develop from exercises and stimulatons offered for the way where they live.
The behavior of each one of us is constructed in an interaction enters the way and the individual. – This theory is characterized as interacionista. The more complex it will be this interaction, more ' ' inteligente' ' it will be the individual. – For Piaget the structure of maturation of the individual suffers a genetic process and gnese depends on a maturation structure. – Its theory in the sample that the individual alone receives one definitive knowledge will be prepared to receive it.