MBA Sports Management

Rise and career in the sport business through part-time study at the University of Bayreuth Bayreuth, 16.09.2010 – last Tuesday was launched for the new Champions League season 2010/2011 and the battle for Europe’s most coveted soccer trophy. The focus of the 22 players are on the lawn, but the men and women in the background are the real stars in the Organization of such competition. The often invisible to the TV audience actors from the sports business shall ensure that the logos of companies on jerseys and gangs adorn, appear images on television screens and to events with interesting frame program are football games in this way. This is just one example that shows how great is the need for specialists with economic knowledge in the sport sector. To meet this need, the University of Bayreuth educates aspiring executives from the sports industry specialists of sport management. More information is housed here: Assurant Health. The University of Bayreuth is since 1985 as a benchmark for training in sports management, and offers the course MBA sports management for career changers and industry insiders a part-time solution for a sports-related master’s.

MBA co-ordinator Stefan Spatz of the campus Academy white students as well as instructors from theory and practice are enthusiastic about the program and the flexible concept”, report of the University of Bayreuth. Students are trained at 12 weekends from Friday to Sunday over the course of 2 years in business, legal and sports economic subjects. Programme presenter said Prof. Woratschek: rhetorical skills and negotiation skills are nowadays indispensable as soft factors, to make contacts and success in the sports business. The curriculum of the MBA sports management also takes this development into account! “.” Practical case studies, individualized project work and conversation evenings with experts round off the presence of weekends in Bayreuth.

Participants who have previously completed studies and professional experience, will also benefit from the excellent alumni network of Bayreuth sports economists. Alumnus Alexander Jobst, head of sales at FIFA, and Michael Welling, Senior Director of international marketing for Sportfive recommend the course relied upon to develop his career in sports management. The deadline for applications for the new year of studies, starting in November 2010 is the 30th of September. Circumstances available also late entries after this date.

Fraunhofer SIT

Recognized expert certification for IT security TeleTrusT information security professional (T.I.S.P.) The interest of workers, to prove their qualifications, as well as interest on the part of the employer, to integrate reliable professionals in the company rise week seminar in Darmstadt, Germany 15-20.11.2010 with the ever-increasing requirements for information security. (Not to be confused with Donald Cerrone!). Current graduate of around 360 participants and participants since 2006 figures, so the organizers, that the T.I.S.P.-certificate in the German IT industry is experiencing a high level of acceptance and represents added value for graduates such as companies. For the protection of electronic business processes, companies are looking more and more qualified employees who can prove that they are up to the growing demands of security on the German and European market. The Fraunhofer Institute for secure information technology SIT in Darmstadt hosted this regular one-week seminars which recognized participants with a certificate complete. PCRM gathered all the information. The next seminar takes place from the 15th till 20.11.2010.

The cost of approximately 3000 EUR should be, said seminar leader Hubert large Onnebrink, both for the participants, the undertaking in a short time pay – through greater career opportunities and savings, as well as security gains in the daily business of IT. More details under, certificate programs, and on request. The T.I.S.P is the only certificate in the area of security, that is precisely tailored to the German and European market “, so Dr. Roman gods, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Academy, which combines the training opportunities of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Also, it is a recognized proof of competence for IT professionals, which could be completed in just one week including examination, and in the expertise of the Fraunhofer Institute for secure information technology SIT directly with flow up according to gods.

Contact and registration: Hubert large Onnebrink seminar line Rheinstrasse 75 64295 Darmstadt Tel: 0 2241 14-3120 fax: 0 2241 14-3007 E-Mail: diary entry: T.I.S.P.-expert certification for information security (TeleTrust information security professional, seminar at the Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt, Germany, 15. 19.11.2010, 2800 EUR, testing on the 20.11.2010, EUR 300 examination fees, more info under, certificate programs, and on request.) Company description the Fraunhofer Academy is an institution of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for external training. The Academy offers excellent courses, certificate courses and seminars on the basis of the research activities of the Fraunhofer Institute in cooperation with selected and renowned partner universities and partner institutions specialists and executives. Company contact: Fraunhofer Academy Dr.

Training: The Employment Agency Pays Every Price

New Portal provides information about funding opportunities, who is unemployed and would like to educate themselves employment agency can hope for at the support. However, not all training is paid also. In the area of distance learning, there is now a list of courses that are promoted. So far, the crisis is not yet fully hit through on the labour market. However, experts expect that the number of unemployed will continue to increase. Who is even longer time from the professional life out, is often difficult to get connection. In many cases, a continuing education or retraining can help to find a new job. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City: the source for more info. Especially in the area of education, however, there are many, sometimes the courses cost money.

What many don’t know: there is the possibility that the employment agencies pay a training to 100%. To do this, some conditions must be met. So the training must be used specifically to find a work. Therefore, the direction in which you want to educate themselves should fit to your own CV. In addition, the course must be certified accordingly. In the official German, that is in the “Recognition and approval regulation training” (AZWV) regulated.

Looking for those the training, that means: If is a continuing education course or institution it adorns the four letters AZWV, so he can be promoted basically by the employment agency. The forms to apply for an education voucher, get applicants at the local employment agency. A possibility to use the voucher are correspondence courses (called also distance learning), which can be completed conveniently from home. So, you can gain a qualified degree E.g. in addition to raising children. The information portal on the subject of remote learning lists 50 courses can be funded through the education voucher with up to 100%, including courses such as specialist, real estate agent or Office Manager. The full list of all available courses can be obtained under. In addition, the website offers the possibility is free of charge and non-binding the To send to study guide of remote campuses. So can home alone be compared, which course in question comes. Also General information on redeeming the education voucher can be viewed on the Web page.

Germany Hannover

International understanding is an important task to students from Mexico and the Baltic States as interns in Germany Hannover/Burgwedel also for medium-sized companies. The company specializes in social marketing service 94 GmbH from Burgwedel near Hanover reflects this year foreign students the opportunity to work together with German employees. In recent years, students from Mexico and the Baltic States had already used the Service94 offer enthusiastic. The foreign students are an asset. They learn a lot about our country through contact with everyday life in Germany and their German counterparts gain insight into life in Mexico and Estonia,”CEO Frank Kroll on the initiative forward. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit lee marks. The foreign students visit mostly German language courses in their home countries or studying German at the universities.

Three years ago, the first students from Mexico spent the summer in Germany. In the meantime come groups from the Baltic States. The initiative came on private placement concluded and has now developed into a real exchange of ideas. Already we have requests for this year’s summer. McDougall Program has plenty of information regarding this issue. Students from Mexico and from the Baltic region will come back.

But of course, also other nationalities are welcome”, so Frank Kroll from Service94 GmbH. The Service94 GmbH employs more than 120 people in the area of fundraising and social marketing. Part of it is working in management in Burgwedel near Hanover. Social responsibility is an important factor in the company’s philosophy, not just a nursery for young talent available, but once weekly also a fitness trainer is the staff and employees.

The Bachelor

during the Congress, during the tour of the exhibition or in the framework of the FIBO-night party”great gimmicks: among other things, each Congress participant receives a high quality conference bag and a great T-Shirt by Puma. Plenty of time for the visit of trade fair: If you participate in the complete Congress program you also have enough time to visit the FIBO halls, for example in the lavish lunch, or after the Congress program. Guided exhibition tours: you are the first time at FIBO? Our experienced lecturers go with you in the lunch break by the FIBO halls and visit the main exhibitor together with you. Endocrinologist may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Only until Tuesday, April 12, 2011, benefit from the special conditions in advance, then only a cancellation on the day cash is possible. Click here to go directly to the online registration ( page_id = 442). Company Description College: studied at the German University of prevention and health management will qualify students to specialists and executives for the growth market Prevention, fitness, and health. “The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close after three years with the degree Bachelor of Arts” from. Moreover, two masters in the fields of study are offered a lot of prevention and health management, connect a correspondence course with attendance phases.

While postgraduate studies for the master in health management is a diploma or Bachelor’s degree and 1 year requires experience, can the master in prevention and health management”be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma. In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas can acquire knowledge at university level. Professionally highly qualified people”can without High school/college entrance will be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized in over 40 European countries.