Family survey

Parents say: holidays are here to relax, only every fifth child must cram in the school holidays in the great summer holidays, most students may play, have fun, and relax from the stress at school. 81 per cent of parents say that their children during the holidays do not or only very little need to learn? “This was now an online poll of the magazine school + family”. For more information see this site: Donald Cerrone. “On the question must learn your child during the holidays?” said 44 percent of surveyed parents with no. Holiday finally be there to relax. 37 percent have only very little for the school. Only 19 percent of children must regularly cramming and repeat. Parents participated in the online survey on 1050. “” The latest edition of school + family “good start to the new school year has the theme”. The magazine from the Nuremberg Sailer Publishing House for parents of elementary school students is available immediately for 3.60 euros at newsstands. Contact and picture material: Baolai Tel: 0821 / 70 04 55 57 E-Mail: