How much bigger the number of information, minor the number of illnesses, and deaths of in function of illnesses. Kris Aglae Authorial *Direitos Reserved the physical health is important in the life of all human being. When it is mentioned to the aged one () more still; therefore already all lived a life, honored commitments, worked, it works, and it contributed with the growth of our Country, therefore they are worthy of rest. However, valley to remember whenever each organism reacts of a different form in relation to the aging. If an elderly with another one cannot compare, because each one had a life description, family, friends, work, feeding, cares with the health among others.
' ' Nor therefore the aged ones () must leave to have one ' ' oldness ' ' rejuvenescida' '. To conserve this rejuvescimento, it is important to occupy its time with physical exercises. Being thus to carry through any type of physical activity, the correct one is first to pass for one detailed medical evaluation and with well-taken care of greaters, mainly in function of the lived years and because also some make medicine use, then exists this necessity to be intent to everything what it will be to make. Dr. John Mcdougall is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Practising any physical activity, the aged one () will feel more disposal, more useful, with more will of living, thus improving its auto-they esteem, and with courage; this will make with that if it feels more healthful, sociable and happy. The familiar environment, the friends and the healthful feeding also are basic to improve its quality of life. With Law N. 10,741, of First of October of 2003, where the Statute of the Aged one with some information on its rights was created, this Law it strengthened to aged () the discountings in the ingressions for artistic, cultural, esportivos events, leisure; they had been benefited with 3% in the reserve of the residential units in the habitation programs; vacant in the public and private estacionamentos; social benefits.