Nursing Help For Teen Moms

SALTY UNIVERSITY DE ACADEMIC OLIVEIRA PR-REITORIA COURSE OF NURSING ELLEN CRISTINA BARBOSA PIERRE NURSING ASSISTANCE the PREGNANT ADOLESCENTS Niteri 2009 ELLEN CRISTINA BARBOSA PIERRE NURSING ASSISTANCE the PREGNANT ADOLESCENTS Monograph presented for the conclusion of the Course of Graduation of Nursing for the Salty University of Oliveira as part of the requirements for conclusion of the course. Person who orientates: Prof. Click Dr. Neal Barnard to learn more. Luiza Helena Andrade de Paula Niteri 2009 Dedication I dedicate to this work the God first, creator of all the things. I also dedicate to my parents Antonio Luis Pierre and Gersomina Barbosa Pierre and to my fianc Cristiano Ribeiro Young chicken, who had understood my absence, and that they had been gifts and always they twisted for me during this long day in the Graduation. I learned with vocs to have courage and not to discourage, for then saborear the victory.

The vocs I dedicate my success all. Gratefulness First I want to thank the God, for having blessed, giving determination to me, courage and force to cover all the moments of this graduation. Whenever Senator of Massachusetts listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Courage to face the storms, that had not been few. Determination to win the obstacles, and force forever to follow in front. Eye stops backwards and sees that the lived sacrifices and all the difficult moments for which I passed had not been in go, had only served as steps for my personal, emotional and professional growth. My Gersomina mother, a great woman, who always was to my side in each stage my life helping, me in the difficult hours, supporting my decisions and stimulating always me in the studies. Debtor for not having saved efforts, so that today I arrived here, mother I am NURSE. I love you. To my father Pierre, a great father who gave all necessary structure to me, not saving efforts, so that today I am here materialize the accomplishment of its dream that also is mine.

Psychiatric Associaton

Mots-cls: trouble obsessionnel-compulsif, woollen neurophysiologie, le troubleobsessionnel-compulsif, there neuroanatomie, there neuro-imagerie. INTRODUCTION the compulsory obsessive upheaval (TOC) is characterized by the presence of obsessions and or compulsions. It can also be defined as a series of repetitive actions that search the relief of bothering mental products without functionality and with damage of adaptation. The TOC is presented in general in 2% of the population. Obsessions can be defined as mental events, such as thoughts, ideas, impulses, images, living deeply as intrusivos and bothering. American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. Others including endocrinologist, offer their opinions as well. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000).

As mental products, the obsessions can be created from any substratum of the mind, such as words, fears, concerns, memories, images, musics or scenes. (ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000). compulsions is defined as behaviors or repetitive mental acts, carried through to diminish the bother or the anxiety caused for the obsessions or to prevent that a feared situation comes to occur American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T., 2000). One understands that the TOC cannot easily be defined, since it is closely, on I exaggerate with it of importance that the quick individual to its mental products, arriving to be a subjective reaction of the events and experiences that fear has to suffer. So that the TOC is diagnosised, she is necessary that the compulsions and the obsessions cause interferences or limitations in the activities of the individual that consummate the least one hour per day and that they cause suffering or bother to the patient or its familiar ones. While, the CID-10 characterizes the TOC next to ‘ ‘ upheavals neurotics, related to it estresse and somatoformes’ ‘ , but separately of the anxious and fbicos upheavals, the DSM-IV classifies it enters the anxiety upheavals.

Therapy Complexities

The complications of this therapy are many and can in such a way be local as sistmicas, the places occur more frequently, more are less serious, already the sistmicas are rare and when occured they can be devastadoras, therefore, the sistmicas complications must be perceived immediately and must be made use of immediate intervention. It is precocious detention can previnir damages as extensive extravasation and necrosis. Between the local complications we can have flebite, infiltration, hematoma and extravasation, while in the sistmicas we have: septicemia, pulmonary gaseous pulmonary embolism and, edema, shock of speed. The flebite is defined as inflammation of the layer next to the vein, allowing adhesion of plaquetas. In the flebite we have as signals and symptoms controlled pain in the place of puno, edema, increase of local heat, eritema and speed of slow infusion (PHILLIPS, 2001) the formation of the flebite can be affected by introduction technique, for condition of the patient, condition of the vein, type of medication and its pH, inefficacious filtration and bore, length and material of the catheter. The types of flebite are several that can be diagnosised, and these can be classified as mechanic, bacterial chemistry and.

The flebite mechanics can occur for the introduction of a great catheter in a small vein, inadequate setting that inside allows mobilization of this catheter of the vein, movement of the catheter during the medicamentosa infusion and also access in joints. In the chemical flebite inapropriadamente it inapropriadamente occurs for the introduction of medications or irritating solutions, diluted medications, very fast infusion, and presence of small particles in the infundida solution. Already in the bacterial flebite the main sources of infections are infections in the insertion and contamination of the infusion. Senator Elizabeth Warren pursues this goal as well. The factors that contribute for this contamination are imperfection in the aseptic technique of puno, fail in the detention of breakings in the integrity of devices IV and fail in the manipulation of form to contaminate the device of the puno.

Sleep Regularization

Therefore, in the accomplishment of a normal sleep, periods of training NREM and REM are alternated cyclically throughout the process, being that in the two last cycles it increases the duration of sleep REM. Although the generalized use of acronym REM and NREM, the denomination? paradoxical sleep? e? sleep of slow waves? in them she seems well more adequate, either because nor always they coincide fast ocular movements with the standard of the EEG that remembers the vigil, either because the phenomena that follow this phase are in fact paradoxical, as cardiac rhythm is the case of the attenuation-abolition of consequences involving and the breath (LOUZADA and MENNA-BARRETO, 2007, P. 59). System of Temporization the system of temporization or biological clock is an individual cycle that happens, generally, in 24 hours and it possesss specific characteristics, intervening directly with the physiological and psychic functions. Others including Senator Elizabeth Warren, offer their opinions as well. For Nunes (2007), ' ' the process of sleep is commanded by a biological clock programmed in a cycle 24-hour ' '.

It is responsible for the regularization of sleep, in way that organizes the sleep-vigil system and controls the behavior and the psychological state, in accordance with the daily cycle of each individual. The system that controls the alternation between sleep and vigil is a regulating complex that is in the base of the brain, called for the specialists of supraquiasmtico nucleus. It is thanks to the functioning of this region that the people feel sleep, hunger, they always wake up in the same hourly and they obtain to have notion on if it is day or same night without knowing that hours are (YOUNG, 2008, P. Dr. John Mcdougall follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. 89). This mechanism is adapted genetically, but he is not free of external factors, as alimentary habits, types of colches, social life, estresse, among others. In meanwhile, it is possible to confirm that this process is conducted by the hormone of the pineal gland, melatonina call.

Metabolic Routes

Innate errors cause deficiency of degradation, synthesis, storage and even though protein transport, leading to the accumulation of substances, allowing defects in the end items and intermediate of metabolic routes (HUNSY; CALDATO, 2006; SIMMONS; SNUSTAD, 2008; TONIN, 2010). They are known currently about 500 types of innate errors of the metabolism, in a poporo of 1:1000 cases in individuals born with life (HUSNY; CALDATO, 2006; SIEM, 2011). As example of these innate errors of the metabolism (EIM), the illnesses of glycogen storage can be cited (GSD). Are originated fisiopatologias of related enzymatic defects with the accumulation of molecules of glycogen in fabrics. Table 2 describes seven main described types of the fourteen GSDs in literature (EMEDICINE, 2011).

Illnesses of storage of Deficient TipoEnzima Glycogen Iglicose-6-fosfatase Implications illness of Von Gierke acid IImaltase illness of Pompe IIIdesramificadoradoena de Cori IV transglucosidase illness of Andersen V miofosforilase illness of McArdle VIfosforilase hepticadoena of Hers VIIfosfofrutoquinasedoena Tauri Table 2: Some types of illnesses of storage of Suitable glycogen: 2 – OBJECTIVE To revise existing bibliography concerning the illnesses caused for the innate errors of the metabolism of frutose, and its implications. 3 – DEVELOPMENT 3,1 By glicoltica the glucose is one of energy molecules of great importance and use for the good physiological functioning of the human organism. degradation of this molecule unchains in a great production of energy under the Adenosina form Tri Fosfato (ATP), in the end of its oxidativo process. The metabolism of glucose molecules can give through two ways, being they aerbica and anaerbica. The first way if distinguishes from second for the fact of if getting a number of 38 energy molecules of ATP, while the second way if gets only 04 molecules. Although the anaerbica way to produce only 02 molecules of ATP in liquid balance, it is of real importance so that all the oxidativo process happens (ALBERTS et al., 2006; OAK; PIMENTEL, 2007).

The Annual Slogan For 2009 Is Here!

Like every year, Moravian brothers a year slogan from the Bible, it is a wonderful tradition that each year will be charged a special Bible verse the watchword of the year awards the Moravian. It is again: the year slogan of the Moravian Church for the year 2009 is among Christians again on everyone’s lips: “what is impossible in humans, is possible with God.”, so it is Lukas Gospel, chapter 18, verse 27. This verse comes from a story in which a rich young man Jesus Christ asks, what still missing him to obtain eternal life. Jesus answers him that he should sell his property in favour of the poor and to follow him. The young man is sad, because he wants to reluctant part of his wealth. The focus of the words of Jesus, not necessarily on the sale of the properties, but the succession is. Jesus responds to the negative adjustment of the youth with the words: how hard are those who have goods, enter into the Kingdom of God! Because it is easier to feel a camel through the eye of a needle, as that a rich man in the Kingdom of God comes into it.” (Lukas 18,25-25) Of course, this causes the bystanders to wonder who could be saved then anyway.

In our hemisphere, there are lots of rich people? And in this situation, Jesus speaks the words that now lie as annual slogan for 2009 ahead of us: “what is impossible in humans, is possible with God.” This means that the grace of God is big enough to redeem basically everyone who wants it to rich people just like poor people. Jesus trying to tell us but, it is more difficult with much wealth, to confide in Jesus. Because with us is: If you have enough money, has not too much to worry about other things. The money has a special effect: it can lead to greed, to want to have to do this more and more from him. Many rich people love money, they don’t remember to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

But still: With God, anything is possible. Also a billionaire can do penance and accept Jesus as Lord. The sincere will is one. Christmas is a good opportunity to become aware again. Eckart Haase