
Alive the love with words intensely said and writings, kills homesicknesses, part pardon, is come close, recouped the lost time, captivates, glad somebody, and you if will feel very well. He transmits to all a special affection. He uses the word the all instant, of all the ways. Its force is imensurvel. One always remembers the power of the words. ' ' Who writes constructs a castle, and who reads passes habit-lo.' ' A smile a good day a good afternoon a good night thanks a lot an order of excuses One I hug a gentility a sincere word and friend Is gratis, simple and can change the day of somebody. While the night to shine, the life me will be beautiful! I will be woman, loving, sister, angel, girl, muse. While I to live will be poetess, and of verse in verse I go tearing skies Therefore each verse is a kept homesickness a waited love, a dreamed dream a given kiss, a night without end, a piece of me, because I am thus Valria R. Carballo

Final Judgment

She will have you a perpetual happy life, unloaded of the conviviality with its? Knowing that they will be being cooked in an oil cauldron fervente? She will obtain you to feel itself well, living to the side of an impious God who did not grant to the proper children the chance of the repairing? She will obtain you, in fact, to continue loving and being faithful this God? if Mrs., at a moment of revolt, provoked for the homesickness of the husband and the son, to blaspheme against this God, after the Final Judgment? Again it will be judged? Play in the boiler of the devil? – Its Joaquin, you to confuse is trying me. I came here to search aid for my son, I do not stop hearing sermes – Alzira Owner, I only can explain what he is happening with the youngster in rational way. Of the one not to invent estrias without foot nor head alone to alliviate the conscience of who wants that it is. Mazelas is very cmodo to impute to the badnesses of the devil all ours; difficult it is to face the reality, to admit our proper ones you blame and the necessity of the repairings. It will be able if you, the least, to admit immortality of asked mdium seriously, but with a calm and paused tone of voice, looking it well in the deep one of the eyes.

– It is well, its Joaquin, since I am here – We are all immortal ones, Alzira owner, because all we are Espritos. Our body is a provisory roupagem, with which we saw to the Planet to learn and to repair our lacks, to continue our scaling in direction to the perfectioning, therefore is this perfectioning that will approach in them to God. will not be only the privileged ones, some that God wants to choose the finger, but all its children.

Deep Brain Stimulation

Violation of motor functions of the organism as a tremor or shaking palsy greatly reduce the quality of life. Deep brain stimulation can suppress the symptoms. For people with motor disorders are almost impossible to most Simple everyday activities such as dress, eat and write. The cause tremor and paralysis agitans Parkinson's disease is often inherited or acquired disturbance of motor functions. Patients who can not do basic things very badly affected. "The causes of these diseases is based on the violation of deeply located between the nuclei of the brain, the so-called basal ganglia," – says MD Markus Pinsker, deputy chief medical officer, who conducts operations, along with Professor MD, PhD Guido Nikki, chief doctor of neurosurgery stereotaksichekoy the brain were destroyed with high accuracy. Over the past decade, a new method of deep brain stimulation, used more and more in German clinics. In this method, electrodes are implanted long thin a special pivot area (basal ganglia) brain, as well as their connection to elektrostimulyatornoy system, which is located under the skin.

High-frequency signal inhibits the morbidly overexcited noticeably improved. "The main advantage of this method is reversible, meaning that a pre-condition of the newly restored after switching off the machine" – the professor explains Nikki. "In addition, advice and assistance to patients and their relatives held in working closely with other departments. Before surgery, neurologists and child neurologists and psychiatrists consulted in time interdisciplinary conference regarding the decision. "We have a goal – for every patient in violation of the motor functions of the body to pick up an individual treatment strategy, which will cover the remaining options are conservative and take into account the opportunities and