Clean Teeth

But statistics prove the opposite – a lot of kids and adults too lazy to brush their teeth regularly or neglected major rules. "Yellow" smile and bad breath – not all the problems that beset lazy: they guards serious gum disease – gingivitis that goes to severe forms of periodontitis. Gingivitis – inflammation of the gums and tissues surrounding the tooth roots. Disease appears due to the accumulation of excess plaque, which contains food debris, and harmful microorganisms. A few years ago by the disease suffered only adults now suffer from it 40% of children 6 years of age who do not yet have permanent teeth, 70% of students 12-13 years old.

The maximum peak incidence occurs among 14-15-year-olds – in puberty and hormonal changes of the organism is diagnosed severe disease. To suffer from gingivitis, those who often forgets to brush his teeth, picks up the wrong paste or uses brushes with overly stiff bristles. The reason may be covered in the unfortunate set of dental crowns, poor seals, faulty bite. Not important role played by chronic diseases – pathology of the endocrine system (diabetes), thyroid or gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, tooth and jaw anomalies. Gum disease can trigger drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular disease or central nervous system, anti-depressants.

Important are the ecology and quality of life – the higher the radiation background and the worst social conditions, the faster increasing% of gingivitis in the population. Parents need to remember that children under 9 years could not cope with oral hygiene in the home. Even if the kid wants to brush their teeth on their own, adults should complete the process. The major symptom of the disease – bleeding gums when brushing teeth, massive plaque, which is difficult to clean. After having pain, excessive sensitivity, gum deposited, exposed dental necks. Oedema see redness around the tooth, pastoznost (looseness) of gum. If left untreated, it is difficult to periodontitis. At the first sign of gingivitis need to rush to the dentist: if anxiety score early, at 9% cases of the disease can be treated without any problems. She successfully overcome with improved oral hygiene, which should be carried out by a dentist. Dental plaque is incredibly off with ordinary brushes – need Specialized cleaning teeth and removing plaque. Need to take special medicines, which not only treating but also preventing problems – antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators. Should use special toothpastes – they contain herbs that have anti-inflammatory action. For the prevention of gingivitis is required every day for a few minutes massaging the gums with a soft brush bristles: it is especially important for those who wear dentures. Even in the case of the slightest irritation need some time to sit on a diet: stop too cold or hot dishes, spicy and pickled goodies alcohol, gum and crackers. Also have to throw up smoking – nicotine irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth. And do not forget to visit the dental clinic for preventive maintenance. Children from 12 years of age and adults should enjoy and Flos brushes – they help remove food debris in hard to reach places where no one gets a toothbrush. But using them requires careful not to damage the connection of the tooth, which prevents opadanie gums.