Obesity Issues
If you are thinking to start a diet to eliminate your obesity, tries to read the following article which spoke of the moments and situations that you must avoid so that your diet is not transformed into a complete failure obesity has many causes, some of them are disorders of food, boredom, social causes, psychological causes and other diseases. Causes of obesity causes social eating food when he attends social events, example: meals enforced during events, pressure from peers, and official meetings. Causes of obesity causes emotional eating to avoid boredom, fatigue, depression, stress, tension, loneliness and anger.Causes of obesity – causes SituacionalesComer depending on the situation, eating for example when dried outside an ice cream shop or restaurant, eating while you’re watching television only as an aggregate of fun. Please visit James A. Levine, M.D. if you seek more information. Causes of obesity – causes physiological eat due to physical or medical causes. damage or brain tumor, syndrome of Kleine – Levin, bulimia nervosa, diabetes mellitus are some of the causes of obesity exogena. Any solutions to the problem of obesity to prevent obesity in the first thing you should do is not eat every moment, a good idea is to develop alternatives to eat when necessary. In social contexts we can avoid eating foods with the excuse of illness, routine diet or treatment, if you’re impulsive eating can eat salads, or very small portions.To avoid eating for emotional situations, listen to music, read books, talk with friends, playing games (nintendo, playstation) or practice sports, situational causes can be avoided only by dedication and voluntad.Comer due to physiological causes can be reduced by taking appropriate medication or practice yoga.