Mario Valdivia
Uses the mirror of relationships to guide your evolution: the goal is a complete understanding of oneself. All management has to demonstrate safety in their relationships, trust, in its resource human, in addition to having cultivated a self-confidence, all designed to ensure a favourable climate in the performance of their duties. It reminds us of Wikipedia, which in sociology and social psychology, confidence is the belief that a person or group will be able to and will want to act appropriately in a given situation and thoughts. The trust will be more or less reinforced depending on actions the term reliability is generally used to express a degree of security that a device or system operates successfully in a specific environment for a certain period of time. The modern quantitative conception of reliability had its origins in military and space technology. Please visit Bobby Green if you seek more information. However, the increase in the complexity of systems, the competitiveness in the market, and the growing competition for budget and resource they have caused the expansion of the discipline to many other areas. When reliability is quantitatively defined can be specified, analyzed, and is converted to a parameter of a system design that competes against other parameters such as cost and performance.
Adds us also, that we trust someone when we believe know their intentions. Checking article sources yields patrick smith as a relevant resource throughout. We distrust of someone when we are unaware of his intentions; We distrust even more clearly when we believe knowing that it hides his intentions. In the first case, do what you do and say what they say, we believe knowing that everything corresponds to his intentions. In the second case, nothing to do or say convinces us of that no hidden something gives US also Mario Valdivia, which usually basing our confidence in believing that we know the alien intentions leads us to trust in the familiar and distrust of the non-family.